obviously im new here so here's some basics on me. 1. My laptop is broken at the moment so please forgive any autocorrects or punctuation issues for a bit as I will be posting via iPhone. 2. I have a bfa in creative writing and have always loved writing. 3. I quit writing for a long while now and since have felt like a huge part of me is missing. Thus this adventure to rediscover myself. 4 I am going to be completely rusty and my grammar has always needed work despite the degree. So forgive me and be nice! Lol I think that's it. Any questions ask away!
Welcome @mswicked27! I'm sure you'll learn a lot on these forums, I know I have. Are you working on anything at the moment?
Welcome! I'm quite nosey so what's your preferred genre? And form of writing? Poetry, shorts or novels? I hope you have fun around here because I sure do!