Hello everyone! I'm finding myself getting a bit bored with life and am antsy to learn a new hobby (to go along with writing of course!). However, I cannot think of what to start. Could you possibly give me ideas? What are your hobbies?
Well...my hobbies include painting, photography, beading, sculpture, Dungeons and Dragons, Bargain-hunting, acting, choir, theater tech, and video games. That will give you a few to chose from.
Why don't you learn to play a musical instrument? I'm failing at learning to play the electric guitar, but it's fun all the same...
Hobbies: Swimming Drawing[Even though I am terrible at it] Making Music[Usually trance and techno] Writing
guitar mandolin harmonica writing folk/blues and garage punk music, lyrics, singing (in 2 bands) oil painting reading collecting music reading math books learning to do old fashioned things (ie. pressing flowers, pickling vegetables, etc.) i recommend any of the above, as they entertain me to no end.
Breadmaking and other cooking, homebrewing, oil painting, photography, various kinds of programming, hiking, model building, electronics, peoplewatching - and, of course reading and writing.
But Seriel killing is good to cos you get to kill all those folk you dislike. just watch all the csi stuff so as you can get away with it.
I think fountain pens are lovely...but with my handwriting...no point. I should take up calligraphy. Maybe that would help me.
I considered serial killing, but it requires a lot of pre-planning and my schedule is so busy right now... maybe next year, if I've got the time for it. Cooking Knitting Weaving Painting Piano Running/exercising (I'm training for a 10K this summer) Hiking Shopping Reading Getting my husband to put the stupid Wii down for more than 10 minutes at a time Avoiding my in-laws
] Nah now your complicating it. Just watch CSI and then go out there bump ome bugger off and then do it again and again before you know it folk are calling you Jack.
Rules: 1. Never talk about your killing 2. Do not even mention killing 3. Never say you aren't a serial killer
The first rule is "Don't get caught," The second rule is "Don't get caught." The third rule is "Don't get caught"...
Wow guys! Great ideas! These are very, um, interesting! to say the least! So...where do I sign-up for serial killing training?
BMX riding (a.k.a. not skateboarding) And I may or may not have tried my hand at serial killing... how many does it take to be considered "serial?"