1. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!

    Holy Grail War Discussion

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kingtype, May 20, 2013.

  2. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    My Master and Servant Team!!!

    Name: ?????

    Class: Assassin

    Gender: Does not have any set gender

    Appearance: His default form when he is around his master or others is that of a humanoid figure of average male size. His entire body covered in black cloak that even conceals his face but he also wears nothing but a brown burlap sack of his face. Under his cloak he doesn't seem to have an actual bodily form in the first place. Such as if you lifted up his cloak you'd see no feet

    Biography: ???????

    Noble Phantasm: ?????

    Noble Phantasm rank: EX

    Noble Phantasm range: Anti-Unit

    Noble Phantasm: ?????

    NP rank: A

    NP Range: Anti Unit

    Strength: E

    Agility: A++

    Mana: A

    Luck: Varies. If the mood is right such as if the fear and tension is high then his Luck would be A but if the fear and tension is low it is D.

    Endurance: EX

    Unique skills:

    Concealment (Rank A to EX)

    Like all assassins he has concealment. But its rank is at A normally but is boosted to EX in the right conditions. Areas that have closest and beds in them boost in to that level and of course night time also can push it to EX level.

    But this does have a fault to it. The younger the prey the more difficult it is for him to sneak up on them. If someone is in child years his concealment drops to D.

    Dreamscape (Rank B+)

    Assassin can haunt the dreams of masters without knowing their location. Doing this of course does not hurt them physically but can do mental damage.

    Shape Shifting: (Rank A+)

    If Assassin is caught as a defense he activates a skill where masters and servant see him and feel his presence as their worst fears and nightmares all at once. He can also do this freely if he pleases.

    Bug Spy: (Rank E)

    This skill is weak but effective. Assassin can summon various bugs such as flies, maggots, worms and send them off into the city to spy on or look for enemies. He can also put them on watch in case of any coming threats.

    Does not have a mane yet: (Rank A)

    Assassin is extremely hard to kill with physical power alone. Only extremely high level physical attacks can hurt him.

    But high level concept attacks can kill him, powerful magic and of course he has one weakness that can weaken him greatly.

    Night-Mare (Rank A)

    Assassin cannot physically harm someone. All his attacks are mental and conceptual based. This is not exception.

    During combat he drills thoughts of terror and doubt into your mind making you question yourself and simply just have that constant fear of death as you battle. Its basically you just being constantly attacked mentally it deals the enemy mind and concept damage.

    .................................................. ..............


    Name: Carter 'St.' Prescott The 3rd

    Age: 20

    Magic Specialization: Carter is not a power house in terms of true magic he is extremely skilled with illusions and okay with fire. He can make fiery clones of himself and have them explode as they approach the enemy. He can also make things appear differently then they are and are capable of making his voice sound different then it actually is. He can create the illusion of literally thousands upon thousands of doves swirling around the area, the enemy or himself. It makes for a good distraction. He can of course make copies of himself and shoot small fire balls. He can also make speedy escapes by making it look as if his own cape swallows him and his servant whole. He also knows quite a bit of concealment magic

    Short Backstory: Carter was born into a house of magus. Albeit this house was not very powerful so he worked extremely hard to get where he was now. He wasn't very good with things like fire casting (but he did manage to get okay with that), energy attacks or most things in fact. But there is one thing he was always praised for illusions. As he grew he took this skills even further he ran away and joined the circus when he was 10 or so becoming an acrobat. After

    At the age of 15 he dropped the acrobat and started learning stage magic from a very worn out magician that was part of the traveling circus he was in. This magician taught him well and to this day Snider considers that man to be his true father. When working as a stage magician he realized he had a love for performing and entertaining crowds. Later in life he dropped out of the circus altogether and since 18 he had been spending his time traveling around the world being a master thief.

    He went down the path of being a thief for the simple reason he wanted a greater challenge in life and a bigger audience to impress. He often uses his stage magic, illusions, fire magic and acrobatic skills while making a steal. He has recently quit being a thief and now seeks to aspire to great heights once again by winning the Grail War!

    Other Skills: As I said his true skill is not magic but the art of showmanship. He is extremely acrobatic and he uses a host of weapons, gadgets, tricks and all that wonderful stuff. He has razor tipped playing cards, he always has some sort of knife or pistol hidden up his sleeve or pant leg. He is a master of disguise to the point he can make himself look like anyone he has seen though the masks take some time to craft. He is an expert at hiding himself and escaping traps. What I'm saying is he has a lot of stuff to play around with....far too much for me to name. (Seriously I can't name everything a stage magician thief would have it would take all night)
  3. Crimson_King

    Crimson_King New Member

    May 19, 2013
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    Reserving Saber
  4. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    @CK: Already done

    Just waiting on your CS's
  5. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Working on mine atm. And this will be my most... well you'll figure it out as soon as they're up. :D
  6. Pheonix

    Pheonix A Singer of Space Operas and The Fourth Mod of RP Contributor

    Jul 24, 2012
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    The Windy City
    Working on my dude as well!
  7. Crimson_King

    Crimson_King New Member

    May 19, 2013
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    Name: ??

    Class: Saber

    Gender: F

    Appearance: ??


    Noble Phantasm: ??

    Noble Phantasm rank:??

    Noble Phantasm range: ??

    Noble Phantasm: ??

    Noble Phantasm rank:??

    Noble Phantasm range: ??

    Strength: B

    Agility: A

    Mana: C

    Luck: B

    Endurance: A

    Unique skills:


    Name: Terevix Kassad
    Title: Tech Mage
    Age: 50s
    Magic Specialization: Defense
    Appearance: http://foomandoonian.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/colonel-badass.jpeg?w=270
    With armor on: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/069/5/4/540b0fcba97811266962bb4da53aba1a-d3b6m5r.jpg
    Biography: A soldier of fortune, Tervix Kassad is a mage born in war. When he was a child, his home was destroyed by invaders with almost everyone killed. A relief force managed to save the survivors of the village. A mage working in the relief forces noticed Kassad's potential for magic and took him under his wing. Over the next 30 years, Kassad trained to master his powers while working as a mercenary along with his saviour. Despite working as a mercenary, Kassad despised the endless warfare. Soon, he left his line of work and began focusing on perfecting his magecraft. He discovered that he had the Origin of Life, an ironic twist to what he did all his life. Naturally, his origin kept him alive and directed his type of magic into a purely defensive magecraft. He is able to use his prana to hyper charge his brain, quickly understanding how technology works. This allowed him to build a suit of advance armor that he can summon around him when he feels threatened. The suit of armor is designed to resist magic and is resilient enough to allow Kassad to survive a tank shot. Kassad now joins the Holy Grail War for his own reasons.

    His suit of armor has its own power supply. It is powered by both a miniaturized fusion reactor and a prana storage unit, which can absorb prana from the surrounding area. For defense, it possesses a prototype shield generator powered by prana charged runes. The shield is capable of deflecting both magecraft and physical attacks. The runes can be quickly ejected and replaced in case they are ever drained of power. The actual armor consists of three layers: a ceramic outer shell, a middle layer that is made of a titanium alloy mixed with various type of metals. A third under layer consists of an experimental armor technique. It is a layer of titanium fibre weaved body suit charged with prana. If an attack pierces the first two layers, the third layer with automatically increase its density at the impact location, absorbing the kinetic energy from the blow and draining any magecraft the attack may have had. The prana will then be dumped into the prana storage unit, giving the suit more power. The augmentations in the armor gives Kassad the usual enhanced speed and strength. He is able to toss a car and outrun a cheetah as long as his power supply keeps up. The helmet has built in senors, GPS, panoramic view, internet connection with 50 different firewalls, target painters, phone, aimbot system, infrared vision, vibration detection, air filtration system, and ten different desktop themes.

    For offensive weaponry, the power armor has a built in grenade launcher in each wrist, two .45 caliber pistols hidden in the leg compartments, a fully automatic sniper rifle attached to the backpack, and a vibration combat knife in a side pocket. Four concussion grenades are strapped to the chest piece for easy reach. Multiple blades can also spring out from various part of the armor to form a spiked shell. In emergencies, two extra mechanical arms can be deployed for combat.
  8. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!

    Hey you should at least keep everything else open except the Bio, Name and of course NP.

    I mean I left all my guys stats open and I'd imagine everyone else will be doing the same. :)
  9. Keitsumah

    Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

    Aug 7, 2012
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    finished with the CS. oh dear i just realized that once school is over i can no longer copy stuff and have to re-type it all by hand.... *goes to cry in a corner*

    Edit: just did my research on Beserker and OMG i am so gonna win!!! *absolutely goes insane laughing* how can you beat that... how??? heheheheheheheheheh

    Edit again: King you just had to go spoil my fun didn't you? :p darnit. No one would have beat me with God Hand. eleven lives and immortality to moves below B AND immunity to moves that have hurt him after the attack... it was too good to be true
  10. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    So everyone is saying their class right?

    Ok I gotta post Rider
  11. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    @Keit: You were't Heracles :p
  12. JessWrite

    JessWrite Word Nerd & Proud! Contributor

    Aug 13, 2011
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    My Old Kentucky Home
    I'm still working on my stuff...gosh I always take forever. :rolleyes:

    I'm really excited though! Yaaay.
  13. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    So Jess has Archer
  14. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!


    So what do you think of my Master/Servant duo?

    Of course I'll ask again later. But I mean for now.
  15. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    Btw, Keit truly has Heracles?
  16. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    @Asune: HUH?

    No she doesn't.

    She just wanted use Godhand.
  17. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    Another servant that can use Godhand??

    Oh... that's scary
  18. JessWrite

    JessWrite Word Nerd & Proud! Contributor

    Aug 13, 2011
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    My Old Kentucky Home
    How'd you guess?!

    Just kidding. :p I'm going to have a pretty fun servant though, again yay!
  19. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    I told her she couldn't.
  20. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    @Jess: Via elimination

    Keit has Berserker
    And it was obvious that Exzalia would chose Caster
  21. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    Its quite obvious who my servant.
  22. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    Name: ????
    Class: Barely qualifies as a Rider
    Gender: ????
    Appearance: ????
    Bio: ????


    Strenth: B
    Endurance: EX
    Agility: A
    Mana: C
    Luck: D

    Noble Phantasms

    Noble Phantasm.
    Rank: EX
    Range: Anti Army
    Also passive

    Noble Phantasm
    Rank: B
    Range: Unit

    Noble Phantasm
    Rank: A
    Range: Unit

    True Noble Phantasm
    Rank: A
    Range: Anti Army

    Unique skills

    Magic Resistance (B)
    Black Omen (B)
    Endless Armament (B)
    Inmunity (EX)
    Disengage (A)
    Cursed by the sea (C)

    NOTE: There are a few more skills. But haven't PMd them
  23. TheLeonard112

    TheLeonard112 Sūpākūru Senpai

    Oct 25, 2012
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    The Ale Giant
    Master Sign Up Sheet:

    Name: Keme Howahkan (Or at least that is what he goes by)

    Age: 29 (As far as you know)

    Magic Specialization: ????

    Appearance: Keme is always dressed in his black, high collar, sweat shirt, jacket. As pants he wears semi-loose silk sweat pants, and on his feet Nike Air Max 90 iD are bestowed. He has a scar on his neck, and black hair that reaches down to the beginning of his eye brows, but not far enough to block his vision. He has yellow and red colored eyes, looking as if they were a fresh wood fire. He is fairly tall, about 6’2, and his legs and torso are about evenly proportioned in height. He wears a black leather belt with a buckle that resembles a button. Wrapped around his waist is a hilt that has a large Blackhawk Night Edge Knife is seethed. He also appears to be wearing weighted black no fingertip less gloves. He has no facial hair but his thin black beard that runs from sideburn to sideburn, which is a contrast to his highly pale skin.

    Biography: This guy is one of the people who will do a job for you, but if you get on his bad side, he’ll make you into his next job. He kills or intimidates for money, everyone knows his fake name, no one knows his real one, and there must be something different about him in his personal life, because his identity has never been found out or revealed. He has killed many men for his own gain, sometimes he has helped other, but usually not directly. He had morals, but if he was in a fix he would do almost anything. Though this man respected his morals, and even the morals of traditional fighters, to a certain point that is. If he was fighting someone he knew was dangerous, he would use his magic. This guy is dangerous he was Keme Howahkan (The Secret of the Mysterious Voice). Being summoned for the Holy Grail War, he decided to pick a Servant he could use to his advantage, maybe not someone who was completely ballistic, but someone who wasn’t afraid to kill, though they had their own set of morals, and even a conscious on their shoulders.

    Servant Sign Up Sheet:

    Name: ?????

    Class: Lancer

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Caucasian women. 6’2 feet tall. She has defined muscles when she flexes. She has brown eyes that look pure and shine and light brown hair that is in braids down until the tips which are tied in two beads which leave the hair natural on the ends. Her lips are luscious and her nose is just the right size. Her beauty is breath taking, nothing on her body it too broad and she wears elegant curves. And has C-sized breasts. Her skin looks as smooth as silk and shines likes her eyes. She wears golden armor this includes a golden breastplate over top of a red shirt and skirt. Her lance has a holder that is tied to her back, though the end of the lance is always in the open seeing as it would pierce through the bag. She has a hilt tied around her waist which holds her black axe. She had brown leather shoes that tie up to her knees and are attached to leg armor that reaches from her toes to her knees. On her elegant and smooth shoulders, she bares two golden shoulder pads, and down her arms, from her wrists to halfway to her elbows, golden bracers are attached. Finally overtop her head, laying upon her cotton soft hair is a golden helmet Rome Centurion Guard Helmet that had a red mane. The part of the mane attached to the helmet via a golden eagle.

    Biography: ???

    Noble Phantasm: ????

    Noble Phantasm Rank: A

    Noble Phantasm Range: Anti-Army

    Strength: A

    Agility: B

    Mana: D

    Luck: E

    Endurance: C

    Unique skills:
    1 Axe: A long black axe that has shorter range but a harder attack, and is easy to use to slice through armor and can be used to easily break multiple materials. (A)
    2 Fire Tip: Can automatically make the tip of her spear set on fire, causing extra damage and making slices more powerful from her lance. (C)
    3 Army Rampage: Allows her for a minute (one post) to be immune to stunning, she will still take damage, but she is not able to be stunned.
    4 Divinity: (B+)
    5 Weakness: After removing her helmet she becomes faster but loses her protective helmet armor
    6 Heat Expansion: Can highly heat things or melt materials to shape of her choosing (D when used on people)
    7 Fire Dodge: Can turn into complete fire for one post, being able to dodge attacks (Usable every six posts)

    Master Theme:
  24. TheLeonard112

    TheLeonard112 Sūpākūru Senpai

    Oct 25, 2012
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    The Ale Giant
    Yeah I think I guessed it.
  25. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    CK's Saber's appearance is obviously the same of all the other female Sabers

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