I've been living with my Fiance at his mum's flat for a while now; about two months. The other day they had a big arguement that ended up in us both being thrown out at some obsene time in the morning: 9am ish. Which, let's face it, if you couldn't sleep through an arguement is a pretty daft time to be woken up and dumped on the street. My fiance was gabbering as he packed my clothes into a suitcase while I got dressed. At some point during this he pushed his mum into a wall because she was continuing to shout at him and he was getting very angry. As she left the room he accidentaly closed the door on her. She called the police. My fiancee went downstairs and waited their with most of my clothes. I answered some questions (in hysterics, naturally) for one police woman and she said to collect essentials and go down too. We got one of tev's friends to pick us up and take us to his, where we are staying until Thursday, when we will declare ourselves homeless and be moved into temporary housing. My fiance's mum still has my computer and the only thing I have that I can use to access my investments account. All of my fiance's clothes are there and his computer too. She has turned the doorbell off so we have no way of getting that stuff back at this time. I am telling you this so you all know why I may not be on the forum very much over the next week or so. Maybe longer as I doubt the hostel we will be in will have an internet connection. Plus, I love a good story and this is one of the most exciting, though stressful, events of my life to date. xD
Nah I didn't. D= I was too damned smart. >.< I'm going to a teen life advice centre thingy tomorrow to ask about housing and benefits and jobs, etc. xD It's all a bit sudden but I think it'll work out better than we expect.
Actually you should be better off. If you apply for a council house they will proberly put you in band one or two so you should have a roof over your haed alot sooner than you might think. I wish you all the luck both of you. I know tsometimes things look bleak but usually they not as bleak as they look. plus you've got a good case for a house/flat. ~Raven.
Yeah, you're right. ^^ Thanks Raven and Domoviye. I'm glad I have so many people to keep me posetive about this! I'm not sure how the counsil flat thing works but I'm sure I'll be able to find out about it when I go to this thing tomorrow.
Glad I could help. I don't know a thing about British bureaucracy, so I'll just say good luck again, and hope that everything will go smoothly. Good luck
Oh wow, I really hope everything works out. *concentrates and sends out little Good Karma waves in your direction* That oughtta work. >.>
Alice that is horrible to hear, I wish you all the best and hope that things turn around for you soon. Definately go and try to get a council house and you should be able to get one fairly soon. I can understand what you are going through though, as I have been in a similar situation, although I had to children with me at the time and a friend was kind enough to let me rent her house whilst it was up for sale and now I am back at my parents house..... I do wish you all the best though and hope to see back at the forums soon. Wish you and your partner all the luck in the world. Take care of yourselves ok ~Torana
As do I. I'm sorry to hear that you're in such a bad situation. But I'm fairly sure that you'll be able to get a council house quickly, and once things calm down a little hopefully you'll be able to to get your stuff back. Anyway, best of luck.
I'm really sorry to hear that things are so bad for you right now, but I hope that everything works out ok and I wish you all the best. Let us know what happens and take care. Stay positive.
that sucks Good luck with it, I'm sure it will sort itself out. Any chance of a make up between your fiancee and his mum?
Hopefully we will see you around soon. Hopefully with all your stuff too.... well, not physically see it!
We have our stuff! My fiance went and apologised to his mum and got our stuff. She said we could come back if we have no other alternative. Went to the housing advice centre today and we aren't ellegible for hostel accomodation unless we become mentally ill of have a child. Not going to happen. We are going to try and find a flat share oppertunity some time soon. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get income support but I can deffinately get housing benefits. Thanks for the support guys, it means a lot to me.=) xx
Glad to be of help. And very glad that you're halfway to sorted out. Hope things continue to get better.