... magic potions with a deadly price, nail biting heroics, tragedy, adultery, revenge, and maybe even a happy ending or two. The short story contest has it all. The price for admission is a mere vote. Don't be intimidated by the number of entries. Does the beginning pique your interest to read on? If not, move on to the next one. Or skip to the ending and see if maybe you should have given it a closer look. Skim reading is allowed. Once you've narrowed the field there's plenty of time to read a couple of the stories more carefully. The thing about our short story contest, almost all of the entries are actually very good, enjoyable to read stories. I continue to be amazed at the quality and creativity. The link to the voting thread is in my sig below. Time to vote! You have a bit more than a day left, plenty of time, if you quit procrastinating, that is.
40 views and not a single new vote in the thread yet. These writers need feedback, they need love, they need recognition. Vote and you'll be rewarded. Spoiler: Fremont Solstice Parade Naked/Painted bike riders
Think of the power the next voter has. Voting has been extended to a bit after midnight to see if the tie will break or become a three-way. *Just noticed the image lacks a W.
Perhaps you are mistaking cheerleading and enthusiasm for desperation. Aaaanyway: A three way runoff contest will go for the next 3 days. People who didn't have time/motivation to read all the stories can now read the top three and have a new chance to vote.