I think she's asking, who do you picture forum members looking like? You could be on shaky ground going there.
@123456789 said that I look like Ash Ketchum from Pokémon. I can live with that. “PIKACHU, I CHOOSE YOU!” *throws Pokéball* “In no way is this detrimental to our friendship/alliance!!”
Aaaaaaand this thread is dead. Ka-dead dead. You've assassinated it. “Willy, do you have a phrase for this?” “<mournful orca whale wail>” “Thank you, Willy. Here's a fish.” Back to topic, I always imagined you as looking like Michael Jordan.
Never mind. I thought it might fun to speculate about what other members look like. My bad. I certainly don't want to risk more passive-aggressive bullying walls of text from @GingerCoffee whining about one thing or another. Moderators, please remove this thread. See ya'll around.
Sorry about killing the thread. If it's of any comfort, I always thought you looked like a very cheerful, happy person.
Well in all honesty I picture all of you as looking like your avatar. lol. Now that I say that out loud. Is that weird? Oh god! Do you guys picture me like my Avatar? Suddenly scared! lol
@Steerpike An enigma if every there was one. His profession says clean cut, and I picture him with brunette hair, cut conservatively, maybe a side part with a rakish swing of hair to one side denoting the youthful past a feel must be there knowing his musical interests. There are kids and a cat, so I see an easy smile and a friendly crinkle to the side of his eyes that's charming and speaks of that moment in life when adulthood is in full bloom, but the young man that lives inside is still there in the smile and twinkle of eyes. That's what I see.
Just gonna leave this here. I got nothing to hide. Spoiler: To ruin the illusion Apologies about the picture size. The person who took it was an imbecile.
I don't picture anyone.. Is that weird? I do get really confused when people change their avatars though. Like no, @123456789, you're not a person, you're a question mark. And no, @Link the Writer, you're not a person, you're a whale. I don't think I added anything of value with this post.. I should've just shut up.
I always imagined you as a cat-person. Who spoke French. *raises tail and splashes everyone* *swims off*
Potential for personal slights aside, I like this thread - it's for all intents and purposes, 'What image does the audience form based on written characterisation?' Although avatars complicate that somewhat. For what it's worth, the avatars influence me a lot (I suppose I should always read the book before seeing the movie...). I pretty much imagine @daemon as a little purple-skinned high-roller, raising a toast after saying something informative. Sometimes I can't make out avatar detail well, so I get imaginative. To me, @Lea`Brooks ' avatar looks like a woodland sprite kicking back with butterflies in the foreground ('Brooks' also evokes a stream running through a glade, which reinforces that). That + the avatar's colour scheme + some of the preferences/interests/beliefs she's expressed make me picture a gothic-styled pixie/elf (human sized). I do picture you as your avatar @GuardianWynn . Although that's an interesting one, as the avatar looks female to me, but if memory serves I've seen you refer to yourself as male (?) (but I could also imagine the avatar as male). I also wonder if the username matches the avatar - if it's artwork of a character called Guardian Wynn (either original or from some franchise I'm unfamiliar with). Username and avatar interplay for my picture of @Link the Writer too. Once I realised the name referred to the Zelda character (as per @KaTrian 's posted picture above), I started imagining an orca wearing a blond wig and green outfit, pen tucked under flipper instead of sword. No offense intended to those used as examples - I took thread participation as a waiving of the right to complain ... oops.
My avatars name is Alptraumkatze which is why I added that as a title. My user name comes from a splice of 2 pieces of art. Guardian Eatos Wynn the Wind Charmer On phone. Might be able to grab images later.