Here lately, I've been sitting around trying to figure out what to blog about. I have a lot of things to blog about, but that is the thing - I have way too much and its quite hard to choose. But what I'd like to know, is how do YOU find inspiration or ideas for your blogs? Is it just everyday concerns? Random questions? Do you cover multi-topics? One topic? How do you blog?
I myself blogged for the first time to address an important issue related to writing regarding who and what we do it for. Basically, blog about stuff that's important to you. If you're into politics, blog about politics. If you're into anime, blog about that. Now, if you want help to choose a particular subject, try to make your first blog... deep for lack of a better word at the moment.
Pick a topic. Google about reason discoveries and stories in that field. Discuss implications of said stories on everyday life. Publish blog. Alternatively. Google something you love! Write about how you never hear about that thing anymore. Alternatively. Post picture of kittens. Spell kittens - 'kittehs!'
I don't blog on this site, but I do blog elsewhere. The trick to consistent blogging is to pick a goal and write about your efforts to get there. It might be a workout goal, it might be a minimalism goal, it might be a writing goal, or it can be about all your goals, diversifying your topics. Post updates on your progress towards that goal. Eventually you'll use it for a rant or two, which can be about anything. Now you have the two things needed: steady updates and occasionally exciting reading (aka rants). Once you have achieved your goal, you can use your blog to lay out lessons learned and help other people who are also trying to achieve the same goal. Just my four cents, take it for what it's worth. Have fun!
Check out my soapbox ... uhhh ... blog - it's a series of short stories around the theme of global conspiracy......
My blogs are like journal entries -- covering a vast variety of topics and basically stating everything I feel that I can think of at that moment about the topic.
I tend to use blogs to promote my work. I've just started using Wordpress, which has a lot of uses beyond blogging, and I'm using the;r hosted version as a blog just to get used to the application. For this one I just put examples of my work and anything topical that comes to mind.