So in my story, these bullies are picking on this kid and they trip so so he smacks his face against a door pretty hard. Can I give him a nose bleed, a broken nose, or just a hurt face? About how intense can I make his injury while keeping it believable? Thank you so much!
the first time you break your nose it hurts like a ..... well yeah. personaly it feels like the pain is not in your nose but too the side of it. then i relized my nose was in the wrong spot and that was what was hurting. the pain feels more like its in the side of your nose closer to the face. most nose bleeds from hits the pain feels more out to the tip. this is just my personal experiance
It hurts on both sides of your nose, almost like your face is on fire. I broke mine playing football. It's not the most painful thing I experienced in my life (burning a forearm off with 365 degree grease while working in a fast food place would be first, and getting my thumb crushed in an illuminated table like you see courtside at a bball game number 2. Took it off at truck and it wapped down and crushed my thumb between them.
I once ran into a wall of meat (three townies), and broke my nose. The pain was throbbing and intense, and when they took me in for xrays, trying to hold myself in position resulted in waves of unbearable nausea. They had to reposition the facial bone next to the nose, which they did by inserting a metal tool up my nose with a horrible grinding sensation. After that first night, and with the help of pain killers the first couple days, there was only a minor ache. I wore a cast on my nose for about a month.
once at work, i got hit with a board when i was not looking once an ex broke it with her teeth once playing handball for jrotc.
Alright, you can't drop this and then leave without expanding the story. I'm dying to know the situation this occured in.
well we had just had a fight ( this was when we where dateing, her slaping me in public came after we broke up) and we where haveing makeup sex. in the middle of it she bites my nose and twists brakeing it. naturaly i am in pain holding my nose as she yells " and thats for calling me pudgey"
Once I slammed my face in the door when I rolling around on a skateboard (I had my stomach on the skateboard) all by accident. I still hurt a lot but I didn't bleed or anything. It felt like a warm feeling with a lot of pain on the bridge of the nose, like someone trying to push your nose in your face. It was a bit strange to be honest.
"I diddit say you were pudgy, I called you a budgie! You doe, a priddy bird! Owww, i tick you broke by doze!"
Breaking your nose doesnt hurt much. I've broke mine a couple of times, once boxing, once playing Rugby. I actually find stubbing my toe far more painfull. It's more the shock of the injury and having to breathe out of your mouth while blood trickles into it. It hurts, but it's certainly not one of those extreme pains where you would give anything for it to end. It's more of a dull aching pain than an extreme pain.