1. Draun

    Draun New Member

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Novel How is it possible to make a story "live"?

    Discussion in 'Genre Discussions' started by Draun, Oct 17, 2011.


    I've wanted to write a book from ever since I was 12 years old. I loved to write stories of different kind... But I never thought that I'd be able to write a book, even when I was able to write well for my age. So did I forgot it, but only did that desire to write a book come to surface few times. For many years I didn't think much about it, but one day the desire to write came to surface, even when I had promised myself that I'd never write because of one traumatizing event that happened me because of writing very real kind of story (I've never used real names and I'll never do, and this wasn't anything related to the names).

    But now, I've read lots of books; I just love reading. I've also watched lots of movies, which seems make me immediately create all kind of beginnings of stories... Unfortunately I haven't started writing. I just seem to be unable to get into the writing....
    I'd love to write, but I just don't seem to get the story to "live" it's life in my head (if you know what I mean...). No matter how hard I try. Sometimes I think that maybe it's because of the environment I'm writing at... Maybe it'll be better while sitting on the grass, for example.

    I'm mostly interested in writing fantasy fiction.

    But I'd love to hear how you can make the story "live" and how you can get into it more deeper and deeper when you keep writing. I've never felt that I could be "pushed" in, which I'd love to experience, too.

    You probably noticed that English isn't my primary language (not that I'd write in english, maybe my books would get translated one day...).
    Anyway, thanks, and farewell for now.
  2. ShadowScribbler

    ShadowScribbler New Member

    Oct 1, 2011
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    Don't be discouraged! I hope you don't. It breaks my heart when people give up something as precious as writing.

    Personally, I can't write until I believe in the story. I need to have some notion of the characters, the places, or the items. It is very, very rare that I'll begin writing with no idea in mind -- I haven't done that since I was 17, maybe (so only 3 years?). My best advice for you is to focus on a specific part of your story. A character, maybe? A place? I'm very attached to my characters. I build them up, write up a quick bio and then proceed to dream/plan stuff for them, sometimes write -- or tell anyone who will listen, a short story about them. That way they become someone I can work with, and the rest starts coming easier after that.

    If you don't mind me asking, what is your first language?
  3. Draun

    Draun New Member

    Oct 17, 2011
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    It sounds always very simple... I'd wish it was. But I wont be giving up as I've noticed that I need to write in order to survive from my life. That is how I feel. It was always a way to let off from things... Unfortunately I haven't wrote much lately, either.
    I always feel that when I try to create something for my book, it feels so silly... I'm always afraid that there is somebody who'll see or read my writings. I've never told anybody that I'd love to write or that I'm writing, maybe just once.

    Sometimes I feel that no matter how hard I try to "dream", I just wont have enough space in my mind. I've heard that even meditating would help to calm my mind, and I've tried it few times. First time was the best one, I felt awesome and I felt that I was able to do anything for my book. But it was the only time though.

    Most of the time I feel that I don't have enough time or that I'm feeling depressed and bored which seems to be really poisonous for my creativity... There are lots of things that seems to be affecting to me and my creativity.

    I've always tried to cover my nationality, mostly because I feel that I've been traumatized by it's people (which is silly, of course). But maybe it's time to lower down my walls of defense; I speak Finnish as my first language.
  4. ShadowScribbler

    ShadowScribbler New Member

    Oct 1, 2011
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    This is probably going to sound terrible, and I really hope you get what I mean or else I'll just look like a douchebag. You say you're depressed and bored? Use that for your writing. Negative feelings, while they sometimes inhibit your creativity, are a very good catalyst for writing. Sit down, take a pen and paper or your laptop, and write. Don't start with a story, maybe. Write about your feelings -- angsty, exaggerated, over-the-top, dramatic -- anything counts. It will help you feel better after you let go of all the negative, and your head will be clearer.

    Writing isn't easy. It involves thinking clearly and expressing yourself correctly, which is not something that comes easily to most people. But the process and the product are so rewarding. Your mind is a fantastic place and there are no limits there but those of your own imagination. If you don't feel like creating something, try your hand at fanfiction. The universe is already stablished and all you have to do is tweak the characters and plots to your own liking. That might take some pressure off too.

    As for your nationality, don't be embarrassed or traumatised about it. We can't control where we come from. Hell, I'm from a tiny Latin American country and here I am, parading around like it's no-one's business ;D that means that technically, my first language is Spanish. So high-five on non-Native speakers?
  5. Draun

    Draun New Member

    Oct 17, 2011
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    You're encouraging me, indeed. I never actually thought that I could use my negative feelings to help me writing. In fact you made me feeling a lot better.
    Thanks for that. Yes, lets high-five on non-Native speakers! :)
  6. Quezacotl

    Quezacotl New Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I always meditate before I write, helps to clear the mind and just lose myself in the world I have created. I then remember the history the I want to write character has had and just write in-character. Sometimes I hit a rut but other times it just flows out - and when it flows it out, it speaks and says things that amaze myself. I love it when it works.

    Be the character and describe him/her actions through whatever perspective you feel necessary. Pay attention to the details you feel are noteworthy and elaborate on them. Don't stop writing - you can always edit later.
  7. Jhunter

    Jhunter Mmm, bacon. Contributor

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Southern California
    I sort of do the same thing. I like to take blistering hot showers while listening to classical music to think about the next part of my work before I write it. So it is kind of like meditating, haha.
  8. ChickenFreak

    ChickenFreak Contributor Contributor

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Just start writing. When you start, it will very likely feel stilted, dead, and worthless. It may genuinely be those things, or it may be better than you think.

    But either way, you need to get used to writing, so that the physical and mental act of writing - of dragging words out of your mind and forcing them through your typing or scribbling fingers - becomes so famiiar that you don't need to pay conscious attention to it. Eventually, you'll start to get a tiny trickle of a "flow", where the words seem to go from your mind to the screen or page. Practice and practice and practice and _practice_ and the flow will get better

    If you stop writing when you don't feel that flow, you will very likely _never_ experience the flow. So just write. I said in another thread just today or yesterday that when you first start, the "product" of spending some time writing is not the words themselves - it's the increased skill that you gain every single time you write. Heck, if you're afraid that someone will see your writing, and that's stopping you from doing the writing, _throw the writing away_. Delete it or burn it. You'll still keep the increased skill.

  9. Protar

    Protar Active Member

    May 11, 2011
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    Just write write and write. Once you've got a few plot points in mind you'll be surprised how quickly they link together to form a good story and that's even without advanced planning. I've also heard of a technique called free form writing which is supposed to help with writers block. Essentially you just write anything that comes to mind, without any plot or anything. It's supposed to get the creative juices flowing so to speak.
  10. Silent Archer

    Silent Archer New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Just like everyone else is saying: you should just write.

    One of the things that stops me from writing is fear. Fear of not producing good work. Fear of being too boring. Fear, fear, fear. But the truth is, the only thing that matters is that I write. That YOU write.

    Latch onto what you desire to write about, and go from there. It's the story that matters primarily, it's the characters that matter.
  11. Silent Archer

    Silent Archer New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Just like everyone else is saying: you should just write.

    One of the things that stops me from writing is fear. Fear of not producing good work. Fear of being too boring. Fear, fear, fear. But the truth is, the only thing that matters is that I write. That YOU write.

    Latch onto what you desire to write about, and go from there. It's the story that matters primarily, it's the characters that matter.
  12. Draun

    Draun New Member

    Oct 17, 2011
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    I've noticed that the fear is/has been always one of the things that prevent me from writing. I should always remember that I'll write only for me, nobody else. Yet I wish that someday my work would be published. I shall also remember that it is a long process to write a whole book which doesn't happen in one month or not even in a year. I've also noticed that somehow I'm only able to write at evening, somehow the daytime just doesn't feel good for me to do anything.

    But I'll just try to start writing as you said.

    Thanks for all of you, also becayse of your encouraging words.
  13. Tesoro

    Tesoro Contributor Contributor

    Jan 3, 2011
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    A place with no future
    Agree with what the others said: just write. I think if the writer has a very vivid vision of the world and the story he/she wants to create it is more likely for it to come to life for the reader. If you write it as if it was really happening (IRL) and if you feel for your characters as if they were alive, then you have a good chance of transmitting it to the reader. or to put it in other words:

    "Never write anything that does not give you great pleasure. Emotion is easily transferred from the writer to the reader."
    - Joseph Joubert

    When i get stuck, or I don't know how to go on from where I am atm, I just go to bed! No, really. For me there is something in laying down with my head on the pillow that awakens ideas and images. it's like dreaming even though Im awake. I always get my best ideas before falling asleep, so I fake sleep to release that part of my brain. Works every time. :D
  14. Draun

    Draun New Member

    Oct 17, 2011
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    I'm dreaming about creating a story which would almost "live it's of life". I would build it piece by piece and it would all be clear in my mind like I would see, smell and feel everything. Though, I'm not sure if that kind of possibility exists (sometimes I wish it did...).

    But indeed, your method sounds great. I wish that I could be able to dream like that without sleeping ;)
  15. suddenly BANSHEES

    suddenly BANSHEES Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    the wasteland, baby!
    Everyone here's brought up some good points - just write whatever you want, and don't worry about it. Fear is the mindkiller :p

    Keep in mind that you're probably not gonna create a total masterpiece on your first try. First drafts always have weak points. Just get your story out, and then you can go back and work on it's weaknesses. Since you're writing for yourself, there's no deadline, so there's no reason to rush it. Take as long as you want, in as many drafts as you want, and if you put effort into it, it'll pay off.

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