So... As the title suggests, I need help deciding how many units to take for spring quarter. Please keep in mind it is a quarter system, not a semester system. I'm a college freshman, it's my third quarter. The classes I want to take would be a total of 17 (the average full-time student is 12-15). I think I could do it, but I'm looking for any opinions (particularly if anyone has done this themselves). Thanks a million.
How many credits did you take in the 1st & 2nd qtr? Were you able to handle it, or was it too easy/too difficult? Are any of the classes you need to take next quarter extremely difficult ones? I think those questions should answer it for you.
It may depend on the individual courses. My school was organized a bit differently, so I can't really advise you - we took one course at a time, but it was a full semester course compressed into 5 weeks, so you could complete about ten courses per year. But some courses required me to put every spare minute into them, while there were others I could almost do in my sleep.
I'd be taking math, English, and a history class. Math I think would require a fair amount of work because it's not a good subject for me. English has always been my favorite subject, so while it's supposed to be fairly hard I think I'll enjoy it so that won't matter a lot (that's how every English class I've ever taken has been). History is supposed to be really easy as long as you read the book. First quarter I only took one class cause that's all my parents would let me do. =( Second (this) quarter I'm taking 13, and at the beginning I thought it was hard, but I don't anymore. In fact it's pretty easy as long as I keep up. So... I'm not really sure.
If you're taking 13 and not struggling, I would say try for a little bit more and see how that goes. When I was in college, I did what it sounds like you've done, starting slow and working up to more classes so I could see how much I could handle. That way, you can make sure you're challenged enough without killing yourself.