I was talking to someone on msn this morning about how many times I get changed a day. It made me wonder how often everyone here gets changed a day. I don't mean like get up and change half a dozen times to see what outfit you want to wear, I mean how many times you change for different reason. Like I get changed when I get out of bed, then for breakfast, then to go out and play with the kids, then to watch tv, then to have lunch, then to go up the street, etc.... So how many times do you change a day? I change up to 10 times a day. Depending on what I have planned for the day.
lol well between me and me little Cherubs we have two loads of washing a day... me mom goes troppo bout it too oops my bad
Generally twice, I guess. Once to change into the clothes I'm going to wear for the day, usually jeans and a t-shirt, and then a second time to get into my PJs. If I have something on in the evening I'll usually get into something dressier, though. I'd no idea people changed a lot more than that during the day - unless you have different occasions to go to throughout the day that require different outfits, what's the point? I'm actually asking as I personally don't understand it.
On work days, twice. Once in the morning for work, then into comfortable clothes when I get home. On the weekends, once suffices. I don't wear a sleeping outfit, so there is no count added for that. Then again, some people tell me I never change, but that has nothing to do with clothing.
Once a day...on long weekends, though, if I put my mind to it, I can go 48 hours or more in the same set of clothing. (With showers in between, of course.)
It's usually once a day. When I had a job it was twice a day, but now that I'm an unemployed college student, once a day works.
I change about four times a day. When I get up, when I go to school, when I come home and then again if I am going out on a night.
Just once really. I put on my jogging clothes as soon as I wake up. After jogging and other workouts, I shower and put on the clothes for the rest of the day.
i never change!... i'm always the same nit-picky old bee-itch [;-) ]... oh, you meant change clothes! seriously, i change only twice, most days... first from nightgown to day dress in the am, then back to nightgown at bedtime... or would you consider that only one 'change' as in only two pieces of clothing being involved?... but on days when i go shopping, i'll add another couple of changes... to and from my 'shopping dress' that has pockets for my money and shopping list and is shorter than what i wear around the house, so i won't pick up burrs from the grass i have to walk over, if it hasn't been cut recently...
Haha, being a guy I wear one set of clothes for the day and that's it. On the odd day that something important is happening, I'll be forced to wear "fancier" clothing.
I like to think I change with every moment. ^^ Clothes-wise, I change from my day clothes to my night clothes and that's about it. Unless I'm going somewhere nice. Sometimes I wear the same clothes a couple of days running and I've been known to wear the same trousers for a week. D=