ok, how do you look something up you dont know how to spell. i was told the dictionary. like ...pterodactyl... since the way is sounds aint the way its spelled. so if you dont even know where to start whats the best way. another example lets say phone. sounds like fone. thank you jim
Sometimes this works for me. I use a website called onelook. I can type in words that gives the definition or another word that almost means the same. It gives you a list of words. If you use a single word and it is misspelled, it will also give you a list of other words. Sandy
You can always use google. They tend to know what you're looking for with their "did you mean this?____" I actually haven't used a real dictionary in a long time, mostly because I can type "______ definition" and I'll usually find the definition within the first or so line. I guess its made me lazier though.