Hello, my name is Budhabi. I am brand new to the forum. I do not know how to write but have ended up writing a small biography anyway. Very badly I might add. So sad. My level of education is minimal. My word knowledge is severely limited. So I guess I was hoping to find some help here. I didn't know you had a forum like this. But then of course, I didn't get a computer until January of this year. Then I had to figure out the internet. At the time "Forums" didn't exist for me. I hadn't a clue what one was. All in all. Very happy to have found this one. I am curious. Can we sometimes cuss in our stories. Or will they end up simi-deleted. Not that I plan to do a lot of cussing! hahahahah. But just curious. How do you get started with a story? Are there people who can edit your work.....you know....like show you what's wrong where and all of that? I hope so. I originally come from the Four Corners area. I was raised in Durango, Colorado until I was fourteen. Then all of my "white" family moved onto the Navajo Reservation. The experiences I had there were awesome. We moved there because the mill in Durango shut down and my father transferred to one on the reservation. He was in the Uranium field. I graduated from Shiprock, NM in 1967. So long ago. Then my family got transferred again to the Ohio Valley. Gosh what a neat place that was too. Green, green, and more green. I never seen so much green in all my life. But after six years I couldn't take the rain anymore. Had to come back out west. Lived in Four Corners area again until about three years ago. Raised a son down there. Now I am with my mom in Colorado for awhile. I paint and read a lot. Anyway...like I say. Very glad to be here. Blessings Budhabee
Hi there! Its nice to meet you. Some of your questions might be answered if you read the rules. For example, they state that "Swearing is allowed when used conservatively and not directed at any member. " If you do have any questions and can't find the answer, then please do not hesitate to ask
Welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy the forums, and I'd like to echo what Kit said; if you need anything, just ask.
Hey Luke, I read episode 1. I never had ever really thought about script writing. I thought it was very well done. Haven't had a chance to read the others yet. Right now its done so their characters really stand out. What a couple of trouble makers. hahahaha I will probably check out the others after supper.
Thanks for the review! I'm glad that you took interest in my scripts, I hope you like the other episodes.
heya Budhabee glad that you are here. Sorry it has taken so long to reply to yur intro here aye. I hope you are having a wonderful time here with all of us though and I look forward to seeing you around the boards more often. Torana
Thanks Torana, I just love this forum. The interaction is wonderful. Thankyou for the welcome Blessings Budhabee
Oh! I forgot greeting you :redface: I'm a little late, but welcome home (yeah...the home of insanity). You're a good person. Have fun.
I guess im a little late also haha...but welcome im also a unexperienced writer so I guess we can learn together huh?Anyways goodluck with your story writing I hope you excell to be great!
Hello Budhabi, Welcome to the Writing Forums. If you haven't explored the site yet, You should probably do so soon. Newcomers often gravitate to the Lounge, the Word Games, or the Review Room, but there is much more to be discovered if you poke in the corners. Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
Hey Thanks for the welcome you guys. I have already read a few stories and am sure ready to read some more. What a fantastic forum. Blessings Budhabee