If it's dark where you are and you have clear skies, go look outside. Sadly, it's both daylight here and cloudy. This is a G4 storm, large enough to be seen from Seattle if it were dark and clear.
You can see a G4 Kp8 storm from your latitude. But I'm sorry I didn't see it earlier because it's subsiding now and you may have just missed it. On the other hand, having seen the aurora several times from my suburban light polluted latitude, there are times it is strong, all the way overhead and lasts a while, and there have been times columns of light only lasted a few minutes. The weakest aurora sightings will only be a red glow on the horizon. A little stronger and you see a red/green glow but no waving ribbons. Keep checking. It may flare up again before the storm is over.
Well, upon going out into the street I can actually see a couple of stars and there's a dull orangey glow on the horizon. Maybe that's it??
Nothing but the eerie orange glow of streetlight reflecting back from grey clouds here I'm afraid. It's a long standing ambition of mine to see the Aurora Borealis too. Need to head back to the Isle of Skye this summer I think. Some of the best star gazing I've ever had up there.
Sun's almost gone here and the sky's clear, but nothing showing up to the north. I've seen them before at this latitude (about 45 degrees north) but not very often. I'll check again before going to bed, though. They're always worth looking for. Once, when I was a kid, we could hear them! THAT was cool.
OMG! It's a G4 storm right now! That's huger than huge. Darn! It's daylight and the longest day here. Won't be dark for 9 or so hours. It's unlikely it will last that long. But if it is dark now where you are, and with clear skies, go look toward whichever pole is in your hemisphere. This is one that will be visible in mid-latitudes.