So I have a class of Insects from my Insect Race that are humanoids. They're basically a hybrid between the insect race and Terrans. But I was wondering if I should make them more human like or more alien in look. I am browsing Google Images for some inspiration and have only come up with this which looks really cool: Overall they kind of look ugly but the thing that caught my eye is their legs. Two digitigrade legs for movement and two coming from his back to keep him up right. I think it's alien.
Also I don't plan on copying any looks but focusing on making something completely new. But these legs really interested me seeing as how my insects are based on centipedes.
Also another thing that caught my eye is on the far right is an insect in human clothing which I found interesting:
I think you should go with the more alien look. I don't overly like the long legs that come from the shoulder though. But the clothed one is nice. Something that is both clearly insect/alien, but that can also be relatively inconspicuous might work well. Obviously it's dependant on your setting, and your proposed plan of where they fit into it. If you've ever seen the film District 9, the aliens in that have a nice humanoid look, while still being drastically alien.