Hey everyone, hope you're all good. I wanted to post to see if anyone could help me. I've written a short humour book but I have no idea what to do with it! Does anyone know of any agents/publishers I could send it to or what I should be looking at with regard to submission guidelines. Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers
need more info... what kind of 'humour book'?... and for what market?... is it just a collection of jokes, or a humourous story/novel, or what? the best way to find publishers who deal in that sort of thing would be to check out other books you find in bookstores or wherever, that are similar to what you have to offer and see who published them...
It's a 101 book, aimed at males predominantly. I've looked at similar books and found a few publishers who publish similar things but as far as I'm aware they won't accept submissions unless they come via an agent. It's the agent part I'm struggling with.
i doubt you'll find any agent willing to take on such a small work, since they won't make any money on it... for that kind of stuff, you really have to deal directly with the publishers... how short is 'short'?... is it the kind of little novelty booklet that's sold at at the checkout counter?... if so, they're usually done on request of the publisher by writers who specialize in such stuff and i don't know how you can get yourself in that position, unless you are an established writer with an agent... i think you'd do better to expand it into a full-sized book and try to market it that way... but, with that too, you'll most likely need an agent, though there may be some publishers who'd take it on after querying with a well-done proposal, if your sample chapters are exceptionally well written... since you're still being close-mouthed/fingered with info on exactly what kind of book you're referring to, i'm afraid i can't give you any more specific advice...