Its not because it is to hard for me. But I do love to draw ever since I was a kid. And think I should be more of a concept artist rather then a writer. If anyone wants to ask me to do concept art I would be glad to. Sorry I am just a bit insecure when it comes to writing and it is not good for my health. I will be using my username for my blog I might open.
Depends if you are writing a concept. I would love to see some fantacy and scifi work. Oh and yes I will be writing a blog. You should check it out.
Currently, I'm writing a fantasy book, but it's far from done But I would like to see your blog and see your work.
I actually have one picture of a concept i drew. I might want to hear some concepts so I can visualize it. and he blog has not started yet. I better get drawing.
Okay, cool. I'll give you a description of one of my characters. Damian Wolfe: he is a middle-aged man. He is a white male, six feet tall, and usually wears a pinstipe suit with pointed leather shoes. He has beady eyes, a sharp nose, and thin lips. His face is angular and long; his chin is pointed. He is clean-shaved. Damian is thin and his limbs are long. If you need me to get any more specific, please notify me.
Your an interesting character Acrimen19. I'm kind of your polar opposite. I love to draw but I'm still very meekly skilled. I've got a deviant art page with a few samples of my stuff on there but it's mostly just wasted opportunity. I'd love to see a blog and check out your work. Maybe we can collaborate on my current project.
What projects are you working on. I'm still learning to draw, but you could call me exceptional. I would love to hear your story lines.
Nice! I'm always impressed with artists, probably because I can't even draw a stick figure without a club foot and 9 fingers.
I believe you can see my teaser website in my profile. There's not a whole lot of information but enough to whet one's appetite I believe. Since it's just a teaser, I don't want to reveal too much information just yet. I'll be uploading a few of my character sketches (at best ) soon. Currently, I'm working on a trailer for my book that I will be uploading in the next 4-5 weeks. If you had any samples of your work I'd love to check them out.
There is a sketch I posted on my pictures. Its an abandoned storyline I made up. I still want to use it so I am keeping it til I find a legitament concept. I am looking for any kind of genre. Scifi would be legit. But anything will interest me.