I have been trying to write a romance that will not be acceptable to the society yet undeniable. But I am stuck. I do not want a Hollywood ending nor a depressing one. I am also worried if the reader may find it boring and monotonous! Oh what do I do?
The first thing you can do is print it, switch off the computer, sit down in a quiet, comfortable place and read through it. That way you can get some distance to the work see how it flows and how you like it. You might also bring a pen and make a few notes here and there if you find things you want to change. If you are happy with the end result, the reader will be happy too. If you are unhappy, write down notes why you are unhappy and see if you can work on that.
Do you need help with writers block or plot creation. If the latter then we need a synopsis of your story. As with any plot, I personally try to think of the ending and write my way to it. I like to make 4 or more events in my story, as places I want to get to. Then the trick is tying it together. This may or may not work for you. As for writers block, I agree with WriterDude. Editing your previous chapters or reading books in the same genera seems to help me.
I would suggest free writing....just write whatever comes to your mind and then read it over the next day. Sometimes you'll find things in your free writes that you can use directly in your work, and at the very least it will get the brain flowing.
Shut your eyes and let your mind wander around for a moment. In your mind you are envisioning someone, you can smell their scent, hear their breath and with each second they become clear enough so you can even see their chest rising. Now stop, listen to this person. What is it that they are telling you? That person is your Main Character. It is their story to tell and they will tell it through you. . . . Who do they love? Why do they love that person? Ask them what it was that made them fall in love. . . . If this method of allowing your characters to tell the story doesn't work for you than I suggest.... . . . A Break!