I've been having these problems with series that haven't reached completion. I read the first books, and a year later, the next book in the series is released. By that time, I don't remember much about the series, and as I have yet many things to read, I can't re-read the books. Is there a website that has chapter summaries? Right now, I want to remember Magyk, Flyte, Physik to read Queste. Also, Eragon and Eldest to read Brisingr (I read them before I even knew what a cliche was, so I liked them. I'll keep reading them, no comments ). Help please?
I would say wiki probably has a mini summary of some of the books you mentioned. Some of the reviews from Amazon might also contain a brief summary.
I have the same problems sometimes. I loved the Wheel of Time series, but only read books 1-6, and half of 7. 7 is where the books started to go downhill, but I will eventually try to go back and read them all from the beginning, because I don't remember a whole lot. Just check out wikipedia, they usually have summaries. Big, amazing series, (like WoT and ASoIaF) usually have massive websites where they give chapter-by-chapter summaries.