The aim here is to write a confession (true or false) on a subject the above poster has specified. Since I am the first one I'll have to state my own subject. Writers Block - God I hate you. I loathe your very existence. Your look, Your emptiness. Your relentless judgment. Must you constantly mock me? Must you make me feel so worthless? I confess that you are my sworn enemy! I vow to spend the rest of my life trying to kill you. Every ounce and fibre of you down to the last atom. You shall never make feel like this ever again, as god is my witness, I shall spend the rest of my days plotting your demise. I will kill you! (A writer's manifesto waging war against the blank screen) Next Confession: Guilty Pleasure.
i confess my guilty pleasure is really oranges i love them so much i even have an orange peeler next confession: toilet covers
I prefer to be the Dom where I have the most control. Sub, if I can trust the Dom to know all my kinks. next confession: Favorite kink
Being manhandled- not aggressively/disrespectfully (unless you want to die/lose your ability to procreate), just assertively. Lol. next confession: What's your obsession?
Well, I confess I'm obsessed with the idea of love. I like to read, write and hear about. My dream job would be professional match maker so I can pair everyone up for a living. Since I am not, I just annoy all the single people with unwanted and often flaky dating advice... Next confession: Most anti-social habit?
I can be in my room for hours at a time, just reading or watching TV shows. I do that less and less, but it still happens. Next confession: What frustrates you the most?
Disorder; In the smaller scheme I mean with me sometimes the enemy: unwashed pots, unemptied bins, unpaid bills (out of apathy)...un, un, just un-everything. And just spotted dust on the TV stand it needs a wipe—the incessant stacking up of stuff to do...grr frustrating. I am one man against a world (okay bigger scheme) that leans to chaos. Someone you admire that you're not allowed to?
I confess I should not have said I wanted your babies. It was weird after the 3rd date. Next: Family Secrets
I confess I was expelled from the eighth grade and no one on my mom's side of the family ever found out. It was quite awkward when I mentioned the "hardest time of my life" in front of my uncle and he understood there was something I hadn't told him. Next confession: Your favorite guilty pleasure tv show
"Life After People." I find it very relaxing to imagine how nature takes over after humans kill themselves off. . . Next confession: Reoccurring Daydream
I confess to repeatedly daydreaming about worlds of fantasy where dragons fly, magic abounds... Makes for good pondering eh? Yes this gal is a dork lol! Next Confession: If anything at all, what would you do?
I would be a perpetual student. You know, like one of those people who collect degrees by accident while they just take the classes for the enjoyment of learning. Next confession: what was the last song you sang in the car/shower?
Getting caught watching you sing along to Bob Marley in the shower. Next confession: The last lie you told?