Hello fellow forumites, This is a thread for random facts, random facts about you! Me, I don't like bacon.
I once bought Ross Noble a drink, stepped on Thierry Henry's foot in Manchester airport, and once been in the same room as Bob Dylan and Peter Gabriel - not at the same time.
I have been single my whole life, now, I'm not complaining, as I quite enjoy it. I do also have quite a short temper as well as being quite impatient most of the time, oh, and a no bullsh*t attitude. yes, I have realised that the latter probably doesn't help me with the former.
Kevin, or smoked pork product? I like anchovies. On pizza, they are ambrosia. In other foods, they add a subtle savor that would astonish chovy-haters.
I once counted William H. Macy as a personal friend. He knows me by name. Nearly all foods that I dislike are on grounds of texture, not flavor. I have been told that I eat a sandwich like a typewriter, starting at the upper left, going across until I reach the end and the moving down to the next line.
I'm absolutely pathetic at maths - but I'm pretty good at learning languages. The first time I went to Amsterdam I found myself learning Dutch as soon as I landed in the airport by looking at and taking basically educated guesses in mentally translating advertisements and signs. Within a few days I could converse on a very basic level - though I'm also embarrassingly good at forgetting language too.