1. rktho

    rktho Contributor Contributor

    Feb 2, 2017
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    I feel like this plot point happens too quickly

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by rktho, Jun 6, 2020.

    So I'm writing a Star Wars story. A group of students and workers have formed a local resistance, barricaded the streets and set up an energy shield over their position. Thanks to their leaders' connections, they are able to enlist the help of the Cloud-Riders, who appeared in Solo: A Star Wars Story led by Enfys Nest. In Solo, the Cloud-Riders were a small band, but this is eleven years after Solo and now the Cloud-Riders are a small army.

    The main players in this section of the story:
    Com: An ex-con turned philanthropist who initially opposes the Rebellion
    Leela: Com's adoptive daughter who sneaks out of the house to participate in the uprising
    Koss: Com's old warden, now inspector general (the sector inspector, if you will) who is planetside investigating an incident in which he believes Com was involved
    Korma: An Order 66 survivor turned priest who helped Com get back on his feet when he was first released
    Enfys Nest: The leader of the Cloud-Riders
    Onjol: A student, the leader of the local resistance movement nicknamed "Khojaw's Army"
    Canady: Current warden of the prison where Koss was once stationed
    Chauvin: A Star Destroyer captain and ally of Canady's

    Important planets
    Pasir: The planet Khojaw's Army is seeking to liberate
    Tromani: The prison where Com was incarcerated
    Dygni: A planet near Tromani where Com was dumped upon release and left to fend for himself

    Onjol's goal is to disrupt the celebration of Empire Day by blocking the streets where the parade is supposed to take place. If they are to hold out as long as possible, they will need to replenish their ammunition. That's where Enfys comes in. They have gotten ahold of Imperial shipping schedules and know there will be an ammo shipment delivered to Tromani on the day of the uprising. They plan to raid the ship and return to Pasir. Obviously, this is critical and will likely make or break the campaign.

    Thanks to a thwarted robbery attempt at their house, Com fears the incident will attract the authorities' attention, and having learned of Koss's presence on Pasir, resolves to move. But for once, Leela goes behind his back and sneaks out to fight in the uprising instead of packing. Com realizes her deception quickly and pursues her. Meanwhile, Koss inserts himself into the uprising as a spy, putting his search for Com on hold. He discreetly places trackers on several of the rebels' shuttles. Leela discovers him feeding information to the police, and during the encounter they deduce each other's identities. Leela is able to escape and spread word through the resistance of Koss's involvement. Koss realizes Com could be close, and a tracking fob confirms his suspicions.

    In an effort to shake her father, Leela joins Enfys Nest on her mission, but Com gets wind of this and catches a ride with the Cloud-Riders. Koss's tracking fob goes dead as Com leaves its range, but Koss deduces that Com is on one of the ships he is tracking and follows them to the Tromani system. When the Cloud-Riders reach Dygni, Koss contacts Canady and tells him of the Cloud-Riders' presence in the area. Canady realizes they must be after the shipment and contacts Captain Chauvin to bring his Star Destroyer to thwart them. Koss goes planetside in the garb of a bounty hunter to insert himself into the Cloud-Riders.

    Com realizes that the Cloud-Riders are philanthropists like him when they bring donated food for the Dygni locals— who happen to be the Korma's congregation. Com reunites with Korma, who tells him he and Enfys have been in contact for a while and he intends to join the Cloud-Riders. Com realizes the Rebellion is not what he thought it was and stops trying to convince Leela to come home with him, instead joining her in the fight. Korma also entrusts Leela and Com with the secret that he is a Jedi.

    The rebels realize that Koss is no longer on Pasir and warn the Cloud-Riders that he has followed them. Koss joins them incognito as they flee Dygni and go to Tromani to wait for the shipment. To Koss's frustration, Chauvin fails to show up and ambush them. Now for the part I think happens too fast.

    The supply ship arrives and the Cloud-Riders board it. They seize control of the ship, but before they can load the ship's cargo onto their own, Chauvin arrives. The Cloud-Riders flee back to their own ship as Chauvin completely destroys the cargo shuttle. Koss is almost sucked into space but is saved by Com, who is sucked into space himself and saved by Korma through use of the Force. The Cloud-Riders make the jump to lightspeed having failed their mission.

    That all happens in a single chapter. And the chapters in this fic are not all that long. The chapter in question is 1,146 words. It all happens so quickly. Which is kind of the point because Chauvin's attack is supposed to be sudden and devastating, but I feel like the impact of their failure is overwhelmed by how quickly it comes crashing down. The battle is over before it begins. What do I do?

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