I haven't been on this site in a decade. You guys have probably forgotten who I am by now haha! I keep reading the forums wondering what I should reply to in order to get my foot back in the door but I just feel so out of the loop. xD -awkward silence- So yeah, I suppose there isn't much substance to this thread... but I miss you guys. Anyone out there still remember me? lol. -reaches out for human contact-
Sorry, Uh, WHO are you?! Just kidding, I remember you! But I dont think we ever spoke. Wow, I bet I just boosted your confidence tenfold.
Lol Ash we've spoken before. Only once or twice though I think. And yes, boost my ego any further and I might explode all over you! Well hi TragicJuliet, I pretty much feel like a newb again haha. How do you like the site thus far?
I really like it, everyone here is kinda hilarious I'm often found laughing to myslf and my family looking at my oddly
Yeah everyone is very nice and welcoming here. It's definitely a fun place to chat, and extremely helpful in the writing department. I joke around a lot so yeah. I know what you mean haha.
I was wondering what happened to you actually. Noticed you hadn't been around in aaaaaaaaaaages. We are glad to have you back Solaris. Hope to see you around the boards a lot more now. *hugs* Torana
you wont know me either i'm not exacally new but ive been here about a month and a half so you dont know me, so welcome back and i hope to see you around!!!
And where pray tell was my invitation? (it's ok, I found my own hole to crawl into and fester for a while, eventually. )