I started writing the beginning with a female running for her life, then as I got further in I realized it would be great to back up my story to before this part. So I set it aside and started the stories past.....now I'm writing that part I had set aside. and after reviewing it agan after taking a break lately. I noticed I focus to much on the relationships between my two main characters and I'm starting to focus too much on a new couple! How do i fix this? I don't know where to start fixing it at....
What? Why can't you just split focus on both and have the other couple as secondary? Also, where does the story start now? Further, is this fantasy or romance that happens to be about wolves (I ask only because you keep talking about the relationships and I vaguely remember seeing a post somewhere about a sex scene with wolves or something, if I didn't or it was someone else's I apologize). And why didn't you just add this to the other post about confusion in the packs?
? What? slow down.....ok first it is fantasy and I don't think I posted about a love scene and you can move this post over if you want didn't know if I should have so I just made a new one...
1. Why can't you focus on both couples and have one primary interest (mains) and one set as secondary interest? 2. Where does the story start now? (you said you set it aside, changed it, so I'm lost now as to the relevance) 3. Is this fantasy or romance with wolves? (you seem to be primarily focused on the relationships and I remember seeing a post about sex scenes with wolves and how to do that.) Yes, all stories revolve around relationships, but I'm getting a romance feel from your posts more than a fantasy feel. I may be completely wrong, just asking. 4. Why didn't you just add this to the post about confusion in the packs? I think it fits. Just curious. I just noticed you edited after I responded. I can't move anything... I was just asking. I'm not a mod, I'm a supporter.
I guess it is/was suppose to be fantasy but may be leaning to ramance now which is not where it needs to go.....I guess I could focaus on both couples but thats not suppose to even be happening right now, but has somehow weaved it's way in my story.....-_-"
Okay, I'm not necessarily understanding the problem here. From what I'm understanding, you are putting in more focus in this "couple" or "relationship" and less on the story line itself? Is this correct? If so, there is really no big deal with focusing on this relationship for a while, but if it starts slipping away from the story line or the purpose of the story, then you may need to do away with this relationship or focus less on it. I'm not quite sure about what advice I should be giving at the moment, but I hope this helped. Unless you can explain it to me better, then I may be able to give you the advice you are searching for.
I need to get back on track...Eurlo(main male) has decided to make my main female an immortal like him and all because of love, or because she doesn't really have a choice....Eurlo is what I think on the dark side of life and she is inocent or was. I like Eurlo alot he is one awsome character. Maybe he has to much power when it comes to seduction? I have to figure this out myself as I refuse to reveal my story to others for risk of being considered published....
Well I think the very first thing you need to realize is that stories have a way of evolving and becoming something you never planned. That's part of the magic of writing. I would suggest you just push through. I assume this is your first draft, and you'll have plenty of time to work out the kinks on revision. Just follow it where it goes and you can change the things that don't work later. Your characters may be trying to tell you something. Listen to them.
yeah... My point I guess I'm trying to get across... The relationship is taking up my focus and leaving the whole book's plans behind
I think thats my main problem at the moment... I didn't really plan out this point in my book, I just know how it's suppose to end. I was trying to just let it flow....but it isn't going in the right direction right now and needs guidance I guess
Maybe I should let her become immortal and then through in a complication in the relationship that puts my focus back on track, allowing me to tell the story the way I had planned it. Eurlo seems to steal the spotlight sometimes He has a mind of his own and we fight over how the story should go he is a great character but is such a pain
Ok another question... I think I need new insperation.....so know anything that might inspire me? And how do I write a males pov in a fight? I mean I have never been in a fight, so whats one like?
A lot of the fights I've seen I can only describe as 'two guys kicking the hell out of each other'. There is a lot of punching, a lot of diving, and a lot of blood.
I really don't think anyone can give you something to spark inspiration. Inspiration sparks inside you by something you do, not necessarily what someone else does. You should do things that you enjoy doing, or do something that relaxes you and inspiration should spark then. And for your other question. I am not sure what a guy's POV is like in a fight. But I have been in one (and i'm a bit of a tom-boy) so I didn't do any slapping, scratching or hair pulling. So I hope my POV of what when on in the fight i was in helps... I was in a fist fight with another guy (he was my step brother at the time) and we were being very serious. We wanted to hurt each other. The anger and adrenaline built up inside me so much all i could think about was hurting him. when i was fighting, i was only paying attention to hitting him, with every blow i recieved, i never felt it. i even flipped him into a chair and he hit it quite hard. i'm not sure what else i should put besides that. you could get an answer from someone else (preferrably male) that has been in a fight. I hope I helped though.
I think you might be going about this in slightly the wrong way. Fights are vicious and mostly about aggression and a goal that you're trying to reach (unless you're trying to defend yourself) but here's the thing... Are you writing about wolves or are you writing about people? The perspective is entirely different. Now of course, you are going to give your wolves human-like emotions, traits, etc. so that they are relateable, but they fight differently. If the fight is pack to pack, they're fighting tooth to tooth and they are willing to fight to the death (few humans are unless in an extreme situation), also there is the question of heirarchy. An alpha may get into a spat with an Omega, but that's not a real fight. It's a lesson, that will be taught quickly and with surprising mercy in most cases (no matter how nasty is appears). Also though an Omega interloper may tangle with an Alpha from another pack, your Omega interloper is going to beg forgiveness or tuck and run pretty quick. I think you need study wolf packs.
Then read some Call Of the Wild or White Fang by Jack London or even Promise of the Wolves: A Novel (The Wolf Chronicles) by Dorothy Hearst. I don't see how you could have studied and still be confused, but I'm sure they can help put it in perspective for you.