So I write fanfiction stories and publish on a fanfiction website. One story I am currently working on is slow in progress with studies and spending time at my boyfriend's place. So I post one chapter once a week or at least once every forenight. In my story I have changed complete scenes and introduced new characters into the story. Today I get this review which read "and we developed a plot... EPIC!" I don't know how to take it. I sense it's being sarcastic and I had no idea how to respond. As I tend to do I look at the poster's profile, it is by a 14 year old who has written one story and has only posted two chapters which sadly for lack of word is very under developed and fast pacing. Actually there was like only two paragraphs in the first chapter and four in the next. I feel very insulted by the review coming from someone who barely writes anything but dribble. Thoughts I have had are "Who do they think they are saying something so pathetic concerning my story and here is nothing but nonsense concerning theirs..." Sorry to put this out but I need to vent.
Aw- he/she is just a kid trying like us all. I wish I had known of a site like this when I was fourteen. I think we were still using Prodigy back then.
Don't let it get to you. If you're really bothered by it so much, push that frustration into a form of writing, but not to that person. Yelling at them for their remark will only spark a fight, and you shouldn't stoop to his/her level anyway. That being said, what he/she said wasn't all that nice if it. I'm pretty sure they were trying to be sarcastic. I'm sorry it happened to you. It might have been the first time someone picked on your story like that for no reason, and sadly, in the world of the internet it won't be the last. You've just got to keep your head high and learn to ignore the comments like those, and focus on the real reviews you get.
Accepting reviews graciously, good and bad, is as much an art form as reviewing itself. When you put your work out into the world for others to comment on you can't really control what you get. You can control your reactions to those comments though.
I agree with lilix morgan - unfortunately, the internet is full of sarcastic people of the type that you've mentioned but your best bet is to, as has already been mentioned, deflect that irritation and upset at what was said into something productive. Who knows? You may be able change that person's mind by writing something so fantabulously amazing whilst inspired by that anger that the reviewer is forced to eat thier words
You don't have to write stories to be able to tell a good one...a lot of reviewers aren't writers but can still tell a good or bad story if they see them..... also talking about 'most dumbest' might want to check your grammar
I do believe that 'most dumbest' was done intentionally and meant as means of emphasising her irratation at what the reviewer said.
Hey, just remember this- he read your story. It doesn't matter if you agree with him or not- your work was read! It's hard to get people to read, so that's pretty awesome! My wife was recently featured on Kotaku, and her work was seen by over a million people. Let me tell you- the comments she got were ruthlessly cruel. I told her that would happen, too. This sort of thing is normal on the internet. Ignore destructive criticism, and things will be good.
You didn't mention if that was the only feedback you received or the only irritating "review" you got. Just curious . . . were there other reviewers? And, if so, what kind of opinions did you receive?
The dumbest review I've ever seen is one of my own. On one of the posted poems on this site, want to see it just look down. It's in the In Search of Dead Grass thread.
Thanks for your replies. Yes I did write "Most Dumbest" on purpose to show how irratated I am. I understand that there will always be cruel jibes etc. It's just the sentence had no point value, no tips on why they thought it was so "Epic". In answer to another question. I had already 28 reviews until this one, whom I see the reviewer has a similar plot although very much different story line.
"Epic" is an internet slang. The hyperlink I've supplied will take you to Encyclopedia Dramatica's article on it, though I warn you, it is quite juvenile. The guy who wrote that remark is probably the same kind of person who would write this stuff.
DO NOT CLICK ON ANY OTHER LINK ON THAT SITE BTW....for your own good.... I post poetry on a poetry forum and there's a similar system, 3 comments for every poem you post yourself. When I post a poem and the responses I get are simply 'very good' or 'nice read. Hope to see more' it also annoys me because i can tell they're just doing it to fill their quota
Track his IP. Get his address. Send him a box with a stink bomb in it that goes off upon opening. Muahaha. But seriously, at least it was not as bad as some of the responces I've seen on youtube.
well perhaps try to see it from his point of view. Just becaues he is 14 and wrote 2 chapter which you find is mediocre doesn't mean his views are baseless (unless he is a troll). Like his writing did not appeal to you, perhaps what you have been doing until that point did not appeal to him - and he felt the need to let you know. And sarcasm is as much a part of the internet as it is of real life. Only difference is that in real life 75% of the time people tone down their snark so as to avoid confrontation or hurting someone's feelings. On the internet not many are inclined to do that. Moreover most of the time when we write our work, we are unnaturally biased towards it (almost everyone is) - and it is normal. However, what appeals to us in our own writing might not necessarily attract others to see it in the same point of view as we do. you might think your character A is very well developed and you are quite attached to his personality but person B reading your work might find him dull. To each their own. Secondly, what a few people mentioned here - when you post your work up for review on the internet, you should be prepared to expect comments that might not be tailored to your liking. Having said that, I agree some comments are just plain pointless insults - mostly from trolls and tinhats - but others that are perceived to be harsh can actually be very constructive in their nature. So I hope you won't let this kid's review get to you and continue to write.
You've probably heard it a hundred times over, but you're going to hear it from me too - reviews are not meant to be sugar coated. Its obvious that this boy really doesn't know how to review very well if thats all he said, and he shouldn't be posting his work that soon anyway. I wouldn't call 2 para's a "chapter". Maybe a part of a chapter, like mine is, but thats just me. It also could be that he's jealous of your work. But thats just me.
Hey guys, I do know that reviews can be harsh. I know I'll never be the next J.K.Rowling or Stephen King etc. I have gotten over it actually after all it's pretty pointless to be petty huh.
Why would you want to be Stephen King? That's a disgusting aspiration if I've ever heard one (no offence to you, I'm directing this insult at King, lol).