Who cares!? I love this place too and I babble nonstop... well to my friends I do...see! There I go again! But I love this place heaps too! I have made many friends here so I love this place even more! *GROUP HUG!*
Thats nice you feel that way. (oh, I really don't feel the love) not sure I understand the friends thing. I don't do on-line friends. turn out vampires or freaks. Maybe you are getting the goods but not me.
Hey, whatever floats your boat. I enjoy it here nontheless and I think I have made a couple of friends. So hey, it's sad that you feel that way but oh well!
yea, i always used to think that online friends were daft but to be honest i love some of these people like i have known them all my life. it is a bit sad, perhaps, but i don't care.
Gosh, I love this place too. Unlike others, they're more welcoming. Many forums have their 'gangs' and 'groups' and won't let anyone in. And online friends are okay as long as you know your limits. GROUP HUG!