sigh... i'm not going to ruin Hellboy 2 for anyone who hasn't seen it. but it had alot of the same creatures/magic/storyline i'm using in a book i've been writing off and on for a while. so close that people would accuse me of stealing. stupid talented visionary butthole. i give the movie 3 and a half stars. the acting kinda sucked, but the visuals/concepts are totally worth it. Seth mcfarlane is in this movie, and is the best char by far to me. seth mcfarlane is the creator and voice of pretty much everyone on the "Family Guy" tv show.
I enjoyed it thoroughly as well. The acting suffered a bit in spots, but was decent overall. The visuals, on the other hand, were fantastic.
Guillermo Del Toro has my undying respect since I have seen Pan's Labyrinth and The Orphanage. Hell Boy 2 looks decent enough for a DVD rental.
I loved Pan's Labyrinth, but I haven't seen The Orphanage yet. I've heard it wasn't as good as PL, but was ok. I still really want to see.
I want to see it, the first I found to be okay but all that new stuff they added to the storyline looks intriguing. And Guillermo Del Toro I think does an amazing job with those weird worlds and creatures. When I first glanced at Pan's Labyrinth it was some of the most haunting images I've seen to date. eek And Seth McFarlane? *Spoilers*
Actually.... .__. The only voice he does is Brian. The first Hellboy movie was ok, and as much as I really liked Pan's Labyrinth, I thought it was a little overrated. I'll reserve any opinion on this one until I've seen it - on DVD most likely...
Guillermo Del Toro movies... I love his movies, and I'm happy he is working with Peter Jackson to film The Hobbit. Oh, by the way, yes I'm back!!
actually.. he does brian, peter, stewie, tom tucker, lois' dad, the pirate guy, i don't even know who else. the guy's talented.
Correct you are... :redface: I guess I was under that false impression from listening to the commentary ages ago... But in listening to it again, they were talking about the fact that Brian is his 'natural' speaking voice, not only. Apologies.
Oh, it's decent enough for much more than a DVD rental. I just saw it, and it's ridiculously great. If every action movie has one 'awesome quota', this one fills out enough of those quotas for a thousand different summer blockbuster action movies. Hellboy II rocked so hard.
I rather liked Pan’s Labyrinth. Knowing that fantasy, as a genre, is not part of the Latin culture, I thought that it was a very good compromise between the truly fantastical and magic realism (the latter of which is very much a part of Latin culture.) The visuals were ridiculous. It hit me with the same impact of dreamscape-become-real as The Cell.