I have got a idea and please tell me what you think of it. A old Don is very old and needs his son to take over as boss. The famliy has lost it's power. So the son has to get the repect over his men and show that he'd a man of hounor. Then he gets depressed as his dad got mudered and he want revange. I want to show about his don reign as don like fleshbacks. I like to make this book a Psychological Thriller and I could show that he'd cold and twisted. He wouldn't wait until he is find his father's killer and he would also would have a drinking and drugs problem.
If you like it, write it. Just remember that an idea by itself doesn't mean all that much. It's an idea and it's probably been done before; what you bring to it with your writing style is what will make it original. And also, cue Cogito's template post. xD
Sounds very Godfather-ish with the exception of the drinking and drugs problem. It could be good, I always like reading about the slow decline of someone from their vices, dunno why. It'll be very interesting to see the impact of such addictions on running a crime family.
The only different thing is that the son cheats on his wife and I'm planning a twist right at the end
Michael totally cheats on Kay while he's hid away in Italy...lol he marries a local girl...anyway, sorry, had to say it...have you started working on it? If so are you gonna post it here? I love a good wise-guy story...
Not started but not going to have the new don cheating and it's going to be scary really nasty in places
Ahh I misread, you were saying your MC isn't going to cheat like Michael did, right on. Either way, it's all in how you write it. Can't wait to read some of it man...
No, never been a big fan of IMing...not a lot of people I know actually IM anymore...probably zero of them...lol I got a Facebook, though, PM me and I'll tell you my screen name or user name or whatever it's called these days... And I wasn't trying to infer that you were basing it on the Godfather, it's just that that's how my mind works. I hear or read something new and try to relate it to something I already know. It helps me to grasp what I'm hearing or reading better. And that doesn't extend to just movies or books or any form of entertainment...that's just how I am with everything...lol Sorry if I made it seem like you were going to copy or base your story off the Godfather, that wasn't my intention.
A story concept means nothing. I can tell you now, it has all been done before. What matters is how you write it, the characterization, the flow, the imagery, all of it. There's no benefit in asking what other people think of the concept! They'll either say,"Sounds great," or, "it sounds like a ripoff of..." If the idea stirs you, write it. Then ask people what they think of the final story. After they tell you what they don't like about it, revise it, usually several times, until you're happy with it or until you throw up your hands and say the hell with it. Please read What is Plot Creation and Development?