I feel sad sometimes for Donatello. You know...the turtle in the "purple" headband. It's tough because he doesn't bring that much to the table. Leonardo "leads". We all love natural born leaders. Raphael is "cool but rude". The hot head bad boy is something many of us are drawn into. Michaelangelo is a "party-dude". He is the affable and wise-cracking turtle that brings levity to any situation. But then there is Donatello. He "does machines"? Not exactly sure what that even means - I guess he works on machines and is the technological mastermind behind the ninja turtles operation. Only problem is I can't remember anything cool he has ever done. Most people I've surveyed would take both Splinter and Casey Jones over Donatello.
I had a Donatello drinking glass as a kid, but I guess I didn't really like him just for that. I think I liked the Ninja Turtles as one. I liked the team. I don't think I really have or had a favorite.
I remember as a child thinking he was a bit lame, but still always choosing to be him when we played the board game. I was loyal to purple.
He was my favorite ninja turtle, haha. I liked him because he had a staff, which I always thought was the coolest weapon of them all. I didn't really think his nerdiness was cool or lame, and I didn't really care either way about his purple headband. I always thought that that van he built was super badass, though.
The thing about Donatello was that he was nerdy and he had a Bo--sure that sounds exotic until you come to terms with the fact that it's simply a wooden stick. I mean, if you were being attacked by flesh-eating robots and cold-blooded mutants, would you rather have a wooden stick or--say--two katanas? Donatello was the equivalent of Ghostbuster's Egon, and I don't think very many kids were fans of his back then. Fortunately, it seems cool, fashionably and sexy to be nerdy these days (GQ Magazine: "Angry Nerds And How They're Terrorizing Our Women").
my fav when i was a kid was mike, but don does bring alot to the table, maybe not attractive to the kids but he is the brains of the operation
Hah, you saw a CH video. As a kid Leonardo was my favourite, but these days I'd take Donatello any time. Doing machines is cool, he's nerdy (thus probably the most useful of them all), and sticks are awesomer than blades (or those glorified fans). Less deadly and requiring more skill.
Donatello was my favourite from the start, mostly, I imagine, because I used to do Bo work as a child. That being said he's also the smartest, so that's a win. Yeah, he's still my favourite!
My favorite as a kid was Don. For some reason, I seemed to always pick the one least liked. My favorite chipmunk is Simon and my favorite Mario brother is Luigi.
I liked him because he wore purple. It was the closet to pink I could get (back when my favorite character was determined by signature color).
Interestingly enough I saw that CollegeHumor video a few hours ago... In regards to the Ghostbusters comment, I always liked Egon. Can't say I ever much watched Ninja Turtles, though I think I liked the one with the knifes (I think it's Raphael or something)
I didn't really like Donatello either but now I believe a staff is cool. Seriously, get a long stick in real life and dance with it, thrusting, slashing, blocking. It is just epic.
It reminds me of Thundercats. No-one ever liked Panthro; like Donatello he was the machine guy. The main problem I had with him was that you couldn't imagine having a beer with him down the pub. He would be the guy excusing himself after one drink because he had to drive the Thunder Tank home from the station.