Just thought it wise to let you all know, that on the 30th of July this month, I have to go away for a while, and will not be active at all for some time. I'm sure you'll all carrying on working well together, and to continue to post your very talented writings. I will still be around until the 30th, but after that date I won't recieve any messages and emails. Fear not I will be back ~Raven.
Best of luck, Raven. This place will definitely not be the same without you. I will be watching for your return, friend.
Well you have 15 days to make up for the great length of time that you will be away for my friend. So get to it lol (jokes there) But seriously your presence here will be missed, the forum will be not quite the same without you around, but we will manage. Well I am sure I will chat to you before you go, but if not take care of yourself my friend and I shall speak with you again when you get back. ~Torana
take care sunshinee, and don't forget us whilst your away. btw, who will run the poetry contest whilst you are gone? need any help it then just ask Heather
"O Captain! My Captain!" (God, I've seen that film too many times ) Best of luck friend, and you will be very much missed. You've made this place, and it won't forget you. Take care of yourself. Matt
Good Luck my friend. This place will be empty for a while without your presence. But I know it will still be here. It will seem strange not having you here. well until you return good luck friend and stay safe yeah.
Mr Raven - why not try and get 6,000 posts before leaving - the 6,000th being your 'au revoir'? I think it sounds like a challenge.
see you Hulls, good luck. That's a great movie. You should watch it Heather, it's good. You seen it lots Banzai?
i've a good idea where you're going and i can only wish you a safe sojourn and return, my friend... lots of love and full-body protective hugs, maia