This was a beyond ridiculous struggle. -_- I had writer's block for two months (ugh!) and after settling myself down once that particular block was blown away I finally figured out what to name my world, Thaumatos. Thaumatos which is based off the Greek word, Thaumato, meaning wonder or miracle which I thought was a fabulous name for my fantasy world. *Happy dance* ~(*- *~) (~* -*)~ So what struggles did you go through if any? How did you arrive at the name for your world?
I'm one of those keysmash / random-jumble-of-letters-that-sounds-nice type namers No struggle at all!
I'm with @izzybot. I tend to keep a running list of syllable combinations and sounds that I like. When it comes to naming a character or place, I can just pick one and modify it to suit.
@izzybot @terobi lucky! I tried that and kept coming up with names for characters be they main ones or miscellaneous ones. Lol
I tend to study baby name websites. I have a running list of names I like that I pull up for new characters or locations. But sometimes, I do button smash. It's how I came up with my world's name, Elidyr.
I like your name! And congratulations on coming up with it! It also took me forever to title the alien species in my current story :I I was in quite the slump about it! I have yet to come up with a suitable name for their home planet but I'm picking away at it haha. I came up with the name for the species by looking up norse words. I have always found the culture and history particularly interesting to me and being half Norwegian just bolsters it. Then I do something like what someone else said and just smash some syllables I like the sound of along with it!
I'm still on the search for my name. I mean the characters don't know of any other worlds so they just call it the world for now. Got all my countries really easily though, I just used words from the countries in which they are based or mashed together existing words and place names. I really like the sound of yours!
I took mine from a Hunter friend of mine during my World of Warcraft stage... *cough*. Boy, the years sure go by...