It keeps telling me that I need modifications before it is premium. Specifically saying: • Please include a title page with all appropriate front matter, as per Step 21 of the Style Guide. It should include title, author name, copyright notice and Smashwords statement. • To eliminate the space bar error, activate Word's 'show/hide,' then do a CTRL-H for [^p followed by a space] and replace with [^p]. Replace all until there are zero changes made; replace the find with [^p preceded by a space] and repeat the process. I already have the title of the story and my name on the cover, what does this mean?
You need the Smashwords statement and copyright notice. Just follow exactly what is in the style guide. For the second one, its a formatting error - did you follow those steps? The easiest thing to do at the outset is format MSWORD exactly as they require. Try their find and replace strategy and see if that works. I've done a number of books through them and following their guidelines exactly will get it through to premium. If you deviate you're likely to get these sorts of errors.
Actually, Smashwords stopped enforcing the 'smashwords statement' a while back. Unless they've changed their minds again.
I've just always put it in since way back when. But from the OP it sounds like they want it, unless they just haven't changed their automated message.
Take a look at: That says "The use of "Smashwords Edition" or "Published at Smashwords" or "Distributed by Smashwords" is recommended but not required," and gives examples of the format they expect for the title page.
They often insist that you include the words "Smashwords Edition" (or similar) with the rest of your front matter. I don't think that you need to include a full copyright statement, but the AutoVetter does scan for those particular words. I'd strongly recommend downloading and reading the Smashwords Style Guide. It's a fairly long book, but once you've read and understood it, formatting an eBook (for Smashwords, or for any other retailer) becomes much easier.
At least you can see some error messages - mine says changes need to be made, but reveals no specific details beyond a list of common issues.