Has anyone encountered these things? I know how I made them but there appears to be NO unmaking them. They are a series of black squares that cross the entire page. I accidentally installed them when putting breaks in chapters via three asterisks, centered on the page. It seems if you put four asterisks, it causes these lines. If I move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph and backspace, it moves the line to the end of the next paragraph! The lines are at about page 114 of a 650 page book. [insert gigantic frowny face here]. If I keep moving the lines down, they get caught at the end of the page and end up at the bottom forever. Untouchably laughing at me like a kid playing tag, with his hand on the home base pole. They are not delete-able or backspace-able and I cannot highlight them to remove them, at all. As I am about to send this to the publisher for final review for a paperback, it'd be great if I could release my baby, without these very distracting additions.
Naturally. After all this time, fighting with it, I figured it out, moments after asking for help. It was a border. Finally I eliminated it from my life by highlighting the entire document from the bottom [ctrl+shift+home] and selecting borders then unselecting borders. It did not delete them! So I moved the all of the borders to the front page, where I colored them white. Gah! Close enough.
Help in word for "delete a border" gave this helpful reference: http://compusavvy.wordpress.com/2010/06/26/removing-unwanted-border-lines-in-word/ Also, if you catch it immediately after it happens, use the Undo (CTRL-Z) operation.