I cannot finish my ending. I have been on this ending for some time and I am loosing my resolve to finish it. I think I am lacking in the discipline area. I have been listening to random people's conversation to hopefully help me out some but nothing yet.
I thought there was something like one should always know the end of a story when you start out because otherwise .... well, you just never find the right ending !!! Is that true, does that makes a difference also about how the story unfolds ?
My (considerably sombre) advice is to perhaps not have a defeatist attitude - if you keep telling yourself you suck and can't do it, chances are you'll prove yourself right. If you give it some time and come back to it with a fresh mind, you may re-ignite the inspiration (and resolve). I doubt you suck, probably more a case of not finding the way that works best for you/your story yet, which happens and can be a good execise in developing different strategies. (i.e. Don't take it as a bad thing, but as an opportunity to learn some different methods).
I think you left our a letter. You don't suck. You are stuck. It happens to even the most disciplined of people. Relax.
next time... I start a story I am going to start at the end and work my way out that way because I am way too far into this story to just give up. I have a feeling from what I have written so far I should extent it and let it grow some wings and let it go from there. Is it true that the charactors in the story can have a life of there own? I heard that somewhere from someone can't remember though.
Don't rush yourself - when you think of the right ending, you will know it. What kind of story/book is it, out of curiosity? Good luck
I certainly think so. I try to work on character extensively, as I find that once I know them quite intimately, the direction that the story needs to go becomes much more evident. That doesn't necessarily mean that the characters will dictate the story (though, there are some circumstances in which I allow that to happen), it can also help show you where to draw conflict from. For example, let's say that your character wants to head in a certain direction - how are they going to handle it if you put a few hurdles in the way, or prevent them from getting what they want completely? Good to see you're not giving up on this one.