I think grammatically it looks sound, but the repetition of "now" feels a little clunky. I would personally cut the first now.
It looks okay for informal style, but it's hard to follow if e.g. this is an extract from a novel. The tenses are all used correctly in context--but it still doesn't make it very pleasing, having past/will/past/now in juxtaposition.
Is this good?- I finally bought my own AT guide, which I totally should have had from the start. With it I know when I pass the four-hundred mile mark, and where the grocery stores are in towns. Where all the hostels, hotels, and motels are along with their prices. I'll know where the next resupply places are, and plan accordingly. With the guide I can find water, know how many people fit in the shelters. I am past asking for stats. I am independent now. PS Hi there! How is the book coming?
Oh! Thank you. I had a vivid image of someone bicycling past the narrator, while the narrator was asking, "Where are the stats?" And that was hurting my brain. (Why a bicycle, specifically? No idea.) ChickenFreak