Hi I am Tekqueen short for technology queen as I am into comptuers and webdesign. I have been writing for years now for fun my hobby I'm intenet tech support for my job. I have some ideas I'd like to post and get some opinions on them and which ones would be good stories. I like fantacy romance, I write also fan fictions of Phantom of the Opera stories, Warehouse 13 fan fic, and I have been working on an Aquaman fan fic story that has evolved into almost a novel never thought it would be as long as it has come to be. I have ideas and if ok may I post them here and see what you all think? Thanks for your help, Tekqueen
Hi Tekqueen, and welcome! I expect Cogito will soon be posting his reminder here about how to go about getting your work critiqued--but basically, if you want to post more than just a few sentences it needs to be in the appropriate thread of the review section. You can't post there until you have offered 2 reviews of work by other members. May I suggest, though, that if you write on a Word document with the spell and grammar check turned on it may help to improve the mechanical side of your writing? I don't mean this in a bitchy way, and of course maybe you posted in a hurry, but there are several errors in your post. Take care, and see you around.
Thanks I wasn't sure where to post my ideas or suggestions, as I am new to this forum. I don't mind your suggestions at all. I will run post through spell check in the future. The review section is where I should post ideas? You weren't being what you said at all just helpful Thanks for your help Tekqueen
Hi! Welcome. The plot creation board is where you post ideas, but try to avoid the whole "This is my idea, does it sound good?" type of post. You are the master of your art, and shouldn't ask for permission or approval from anyone in order to write your ideas. The plot creation board is more for the "This is my idea, but I'm stuck on a couple aspects of it, ____________" type of post. People on there will be happy to help you. The review room (don't get that confused with the "Reviewing" board in the Writing Issues section; the RR is a section all of its own) is where you post your actual work. Remember though, you have to give at least two constructive crits on the board you plan to post. I.e. if you're posting a horror story, constructively crit at least two other horror story threads first. The key thing to remember is that the crits must be substantial. Don't just say "It was great" with three sentences about why you liked it. Some people do line-by-line crits of every grammatical and word choice error; I don't do this, as I'm more of a big-picture person, but I do try to go over each aspect like tone-setting, characterization, showing not telling, not being too predictable, etc and telling the author how they did on each of these. However you critique, make sure it's something specific and helpful. Shoot for at least a full paragraph. Enjoy it here!
^^ You post your writing in the Review section under the suitable heading: general, humor, etc. But you can't post a piece there until you've given a review to 2 pieces posted by other members. Have a look there, you'll get the picture. You can put up to a few sentences in the General Writing if you're just wanting help with a specific problem, though.
Thank you mallory for your help though I don't know you yet I look foward to hearing your ideas to my stories I'll post them in the thread you said. Thank you Tekqueen
To add to Madhoca & Mal's posts (and welcome btw) along with the two constructive crits, you also have to have member here for at least two weeks and have a total of twenty posts (not including word games) before you will be allowed to post anything for review.
Welcome. Apart from what others have said, I'd just like to add if by 'ideas for stories' you mean just plot/character/theme ideas etc. and asking if they're worth writing, then don't ask for verification, just write them.
Tekqueen, you should begin by posting to New Member Intrroductions. There is also a box on the home page titled Important Links - need I mumble "RTFM" under my breath? As this is not a Writing Issue, I am closing the thread.