If today was my last day here on Earth, I would compliment every person I come in contact with at least three times. I would treat myself to Red Lobster and order the most expensive thing on the menu. I would tell my mother I love her even though we haven't spoken in over a year. I would write my guts out and not give a damn about revising it. I would drink and smoke up a huge dubie and run naked in the streets yelling, "God is good." Then I would shave my head and donate all my hair to Locks of Love. Oh yeah....and one last thing I would tell my kids I love them one more time. What would you do???
Ok, this thread has gone unanswered for too long. I would spend the day at the beach with loved ones. I love the water.
I'd buy every documentary about Colonial America, sit in a snuggy couch with snuggy pajamas and eat a large mountain of scramble eggs, spagehtti and a large glass of something to drink and I'd do it aaaaalllll day. Yeah, I know, weird, but that'd be my way to finish off my life.
I'd invite everyone I love and have a giant picnic and play games and have fun till we're all exhausted.
I would call in sick, make my family call in sick, gather everyone at my parents house and just play board games and watch disney movies with them all day while Joel sat next to me and I held his hand.
I think that was a spectacular idea, Link! I love 300! Hey you guys are all the greatest. You all have wonderful ideas. Hey Hiddennovelist? I particularly LOVE the calling off sick and playing board games all day with the family thing. Wish I thought of that one!
I would spend it trying to figure out why NASA thought it would be a good idea to bomb the moon as a means of checking for water. I mean, seriously, haven't they ever watched The Time Machine?
Regardless, I'm super excited to see it tomorrow morning. I know a few news stations are streaming it live. Space fascinates and terrifies me. If I knew that this was the last day of my life, I'd probably spend it doing everything I've wanted to do, but never thought I could do because of the consequences. I have some ideas in mind...
I would be extremely boring. I would see my family and spend some time with them. Then I would go home and spend the rest of the day with Steve and dogs. I would get as many cuddles in as I could...from all three of them.
I would look up the plots of all the books I've wanted to read but couldn't. I'd go skydiving and go to visit Italy. I would apologize for every bad thing I ever did or said to everyone I ever said or did it to. I would look around, enjoy every breath, and be grateful for the time I had spent here on earth.
same things i do every day... after saying a great big 'thank you!' to what-/who-ever pulled the plug and is letting me out of this charnel house of a 'world' that humans have made and maintain on planet Earth...
I would finish the journals that I started for my kids when they were born. I would try and complete the scrapbooks too. I would go spend one last lunch with my grandmother. I would call one very special person who lives far from me. I would call my friends and family together for one last night of guitar playing and forbid them to play and sing anything sad. My last words words would be, to please remember how much I loved them all and to remember me as someone who loved them good and lived my life well. Finally, I would go out one more time and sit with my oldest son in the back of his truck bed, watch the stars as we discuss life and how we are never going to grow old...and if I did truly pass from this life, I would hope it could be in the silence of that moment. Damn....that made me cry.
Chim, that is really sweet. That image of you and your son, is really beautiful. Brought a tear to my eyes. All I would do is spend the day with my family. I wouldn't really do anything special, just do our normal every day things (minus the internet) so that it just felt like another day to all of us. But if my family would still be around the next day, I'd make sure our whole day was recorded, (just like a friend of mine did for her family) so that whenever they missed me, they could pull out the recording and sit there and watch it and hopefully it would bring a little peace to their hearts like it does all the time for my friends family. But I would want the last thing I did that day, to be tucking my angels into bed, kissing their little heads, telling them I love them and that I'll see them in the morning. (I think I'm too soft... that brought tears to my eyes just thinking about it...)
I would probably return home to spend the day with the family. Oh, maia, you are delightful....but why do I get the feeling that you'll be hanging around this lovely planet to celebrate your 100th?
aaaagggghhh!... how can you wish such a cruel fate upon me, henry?... and i thought we were friends.............. ;-(