Say someone was predicting the future for you. If you could be told 1 of 2 things by this person, which would you rather know: When you will die or How you will die?
I believe this was already asked recently in Word Games. Same answer: neither. I prefer to focus on living.
When... so I know how much time I've got accomplish my goals! Sorry if this is meant to be a thread that's stopping...
when... and i can only hope it would be soon, since i feel like an alien here, having next to nothing in common with humankind other than the body i'm stuck in... ;-)
I'd hate to know either! I'm a paranoid person, and if I knew how I'd be constantly worried about going out and doing things because I'll never know when. If I knew when, I'd feel to constrained by the deadline. It would be absolutely awful!
Well, if I learned when, I'd be anxious beyond belief up until that point that I'd lead a laughably pathetic life, however long it would be. If I learned how, it would probably end up being something general such as "died in a car crash," and so I would become terrified of the simple things and never leave home again. Either way, life would suck for me, so neither.
I wouldn't want to know either one. If I knew how much time I had left, I would feel every second slipping away. If I knew how, I would obsess over it. I wouldn't be able to truly live knowing either of those things.
I already know.... I am going to die in the future of something. Seriously, I know my mom is dying, a terminal illness, and that she has been given a time frame as well. I hate that, hate knowing, it is better not to know, because you have no idea what it is like to stand back and watch someone die every day of your life. It really messes up the mind and heart. It is better to know neither of them in my opinion. You become a different person when you know.
Hmm... neither. But then again, it wouldn't make much difference, because I know everyday that I might die. I don't live my life thinking that I'm invincible. I know I'm going to die. And I've accepted it. So I wouldn't probably mind knowing either. I think dying is just something that happens to everyone. It's a part of life. My husband will die one day as well. I want to keep him as long as I can, but when it happens, I can do nothing about it. I will be sad, though. But I don't fear dying. I just can't fear it, because it will happen. It's useless to fear something that is a part of the deal. Just like all bad things. They will happen anyway. Deal with them when they happen, not before. That's my way of being.
I don't want to know when or how...I think when you are younger death is a big thing to handle, we are just beginning our independence and our lives are taking off in new directions. Our mortality is very forefront of our we mature, however, our mortality isn't as feared, because life has given us many opportunities and we have experienced so, good friends, career, marriage, children, travel...the things that make life memorable. We still don't want to die, but we are at peace with the fact that it is going to happen. Death is as sure as the rising sun. I think for me...I would only want to know, I died well. That I will leave a great amount of love behind and my family and friends will know they are loved.
Thank you...your words left an impact on me as well. *smiles* Isn't life something...the way we live it means everything to those we must, one day, say goodbye too...I think it is important that they "know" how we feel about them today.
I'd want to know when. That way I could plan accordingly. On the day I'm suppose to die I'd call in sick for life.
This idea does sound like a good book huh? Anywho yeah I know everyone would rather not know either but you're missing the point of the question. It's only a choice of when or how, no neither.