And there were book signings for every author who has passed away, which one would you wait in line for? What book would you ask them to sign? (Oh, you can only ask them to sign one book that they've written.) What questions would you have for them, or what would you say to the if you had that chance? For me, the first writer I'd wait for is Michael Crichton. I'd tell him thank you for making me love to read when I was fourteen. I'd ask him what he believed to be the most profound advancement of the twenty-first century and what was the least. And I'd ask him to sign Jurassic Park, because I still have the copy my mother gave me for my birthday that year. Then I'd reluctantly leave his table to go to the Douglas Adams signing. I'd beg him (as many would, no doubt) to tell us what the Ultimate Question was, since it's not like anyone back on Earth is going to believe me. (On that basis Douglas would likely write the question on my forehead) I'd thank him for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (which I would have him sign, of course. And for writing Tom Baker's Doctor Who. There's many more of course. Chaucer is on the list right below Bram Stoker, but for now I'll settle and let someone else have a go.
I would line up an encounter with Homer. Interesting to see if any particular individual turns up at all..and hey maybe, the poet will be a woman. No one might turn up of course and that might be for the best..'Never meet your heroes' runs the old adage.
Dante Alighieri. I would prolly ask if he ever thought his Divine Comedy would be as profound now as it was then. John Milton would be next. Same question for Paradise Lost. Bram Stoker and Poe would be on the list, of course.
H.P.Lovecraft. I've no idea what I'd get him to sign -- probably my commemorative edition of his works. I don't think I'd ask him anything as I'd be afraid he'd tell me something I shouldn't know. Then I'd wander over to David Gemmell. I'd bring my copy of "Waylander" and get him to sign that. I need to ask how he creates such brilliant characters..
It' morely likely that he'd run away from a "fan" asking for signing: the guy was very shy and afraid of people.