What would you do if you had the universal remote from the movie Click? This remote can take you back to any scene in your life, fast forward, pause, mute people you don't want to hear, skip over and delete whatever you want. What good would you do? What bad would you do?
It would go unused. I hate to hear my voice on a recording. I can't imaging how much more I would hate it if I heard it in the original, unaltered form without the filter of my cranial bones to make it acceptable to me. If I used the Clicker, it would be just once and I am sure I would hear myself and be like, "Dear God! You are such a mo!" Yeah, then the Clicker would go into the junk drawer. :redface:
That movie made me really sad so I would probably take the batteries and use them in a tv controller instead I would also destroy the remote just in case one of those 'remote goes in the bin but then some unsuspecting randomer finds it and is curious' moments happens. I'll stick to time machines and magic lamps hehe
Firstly, I'd fast-forward over the bloody logging in period for Spotify - that's slower than an asthmatic ant with heavy shopping trying to climb up the down escalator. I would be able to listen to more music then. I'd fast-forward over a time when I had fallen in love with a girl who didn't reciprocate the feelings I had, and I spent making a prat out of myself. That would stop awkward conversations, and I might not have sabotaged a budding friendship and not have put myself through what I put myself through. I'd rather have Bernard's watch, though. So what if it can't fast-forward, rewind, etc? It's something from the greatest obscure children's programme of all time. And just being able to stop time and go wandering off without anyone bothering you would be immense, not to mention the ability to tinker with the world without anyone knowing. Not sure what I'd do with this ability, mind.
Oh a chance to absolve some regret, what a wonderful tool. To be frank, it sounds a bit frightening. Perhaps just correct some wrongs I may have done to some people in my younger days.
i would use the pause function the most, definitely. I would pause in a mall and go around messing with people. Have 2 people stand together that hadn't been together before, that sort of stuff. I'd also take revenge on the immature people at school by pausing and making them do awkward things--picking nose, etc--and unpause and watch the mayhem.
Probably go back and see how my life would be different depending on different choices. Oh, and make certain people go poof...hehe, yeah...but then I'd feel bad and re-exist them...and plop them on a desert island.
I would fastforward to this time next year. That way, I can skip the applications to universities, skip the waiting process, skip the rejection letter that I'm almost certain will come in January (if it's an acceptance letter, I'd put it on repeat for a while ), and be leaving for college, leaving the people I hate behind, and starting over. I am quite fascinated with the Peter Pan idea of always being able to start over. I feel like college will be an opportunity for me to do that. I'd also delete a few scenes of my life and delete a select few people out of existance, and, like Chimmy, I'm quite serious too. But I think before I did anything, I would pause (or put on repeat --can the remote do that?) December 24th, 2008, as it was the best day I've ever had in my life. Dammit, Gi! Now you've got me daydreaming.
It's always good to dream. I often find that dreaming is preferable to reality. But, I'm a Pisces. It's how we are.
I'm a Virgo, and slightly neurotic (which, as I'm looking it up right now, is not uncommon for Virgos, especially firstborn Virgos). You know what they say... Neurotics build castles in the sky; psychotics live in them. All the same, I like to keep my dreams realistic, and now I'm imagining the slight Ping! as I deleted entire chapters and people from my life. Not so realistic, hehe.
Even though I would be tempted to destroy it, I would first go back to all the parts of my life that I'm not sure happened, and see if they actually happened or if they were just dreams. Then I'd destroy it.
Id pause civilisation when i was in public (Like shopping malls, catching the train, having to go to the post office....whenever there is large ammounts of people) Though of course, id have the "main" people being useful., Just not the 99.97 rude ones that could possible ^%$# my day up.
Man, I'd be terrified at first to try it, but I'm sure I'd soon get hooked on it. Probably waste my life away fast-forwarding to much...