Hi everyone, just wanted to let you all know that I am not going to be as active over the next 4 weeks. I leave for a holiday on the weekend and will be away for three weeks. So as you can expect I have a lot to do before I leave. I will be able to come online every three to four days though and will do as much reviewing as I can whilst I am able to get online. It is just where I am going to be staying has no internet access. If anyone would like me to review their work at all, or needs me for any reason please feel free to leave me a pm or email me. Well I will try to be as active as I can until I go and will try to get around and reivew as much work as possible and will make up for my inactivity once I return. Thankyou all kindly. ~Torana
Haha thanks both of you. I am going to go and stay in a small spooky little place for a few weeks lol It has no internet, no shops, just trees, houses and a spooky little property across the road from it. I am hoping it will help me out with my writers block problem...(but I doubt it really) I am also ging to be travelling around the area a bit to get some further writing inspiration and try and find some awesome photography opportunities. All in all it is a stress free few weeks away. YAY can't wait! You may as well say it is a writer's get awat ^ ^ ~Torana
Sounds great! And hopefully we'll be able to manage without you for a few weeks, and the whole forum won't fall apart. You never know though; don't be surprised if you come back and the whole place is embroiled in WWIII
Ahhh well....ummm....duh! lol Well I will be back every now and then to offer feedback, just not that often... And I know what you lot are like, there will be massive parties while I am away I am sure of it...no one ever lets me have any fun anymore...(sob sob) lol
Enjoy your sojourn, Torana! As for the writer's block, a change of routine sounds verty likely to help, especially without all of us nattering in your head! I look forward to your return, but get us out of your thoughts and enjoy your time away!
Banzai lol you crack me up... Sayso thanks I will Cogito, is that what those sounds in my head are??? Well gee good thing I am going away for a holiday then lol (jokes) Frost thanks. I will.
Have a really good holiday. It seems everyone is leaving the forum of late. Its going to be very quiet around here without the usual posters. Oh well you have a damn fine holiday Torana
ee'll miss having you around for the next few eeks hav a good holiday though, and come back with lots of spooooky stoooories to tell us Heather
The parties we throw while you're away will be nothing like the one we'll throw when you return! =D Who will I fight crime with now!? D=
Targaddon thankyou kindly, I will be back every so often but just not much unfortunately. wordwizard yeah I know it is a long time, and thankyou. heather I will try and come back with a spooky story or two lol thankyou Ferret thankyou kindly Kit thankyou and hopefully I will Domoviye thankyou I will and thankyou for saying you'll save me some cake ^ ^ Alice thankyou you're a sweety ^ ^ I will pop in and help fight crime don't worry, I know how much of a burdon it is for you. Thankyou kindly everyone and I will try and come on whilst on my little break. I will not be on after today though for a few days and will miss you all heaps Well see you all when I get back and have fun. ~Torana