… A broken one that is. I'm racking my brains over the start of this bloody novel; the details aren't the problem, (research, plot, characters) and neither is not being able to get the words out because I can. The problem is the starting two lines. This probably occurs with a lot of authors, and at first, I was fine with it. I even gave myself a break from the computer for two days (and paper) and just did my own thing; now I’m back -stuck in because I'm ill-and all that I have been doing for literally the past four hours is staring at this blank page with that stupid line blinking at me; I swear it only does it to mock me; like saying, “Idiot, idiot, idiot.” ARGH! Can anyone give me anything? (I won’t give the whole plot because its way to awkward to explain in a quick sentence) Basically I’m trying to start the story with my MC in school, her first day back after being in a psychiatric hospital. I’m fine with the description of her pain, her depression, her attitude. It’s just that one little line that’s stopping the rest to flow freely. Help WOULD be appreciated and even an official thank you on the post, when I finally place up a few chapters. Much love, and much hugs. K,
The best advice I can give you is to write crap, a lot of it, and then edit it out and add more good stuff.
The school bells dinged for the start of the day; it's rather refreshing to be somewhere other than a padded room. However, it is rather difficult because I'm not even sure if she was in a padded room. haha. I'll keep thinking, but that was the first thing that came to my mind. I'll post more when I think them up.
SayWhatNow? - I've tried that, and it didn't work. That's what’s so frustrating about it. Stephie -No, she wasn't in a padded room ha-ha (I wish I was right now) she was going through some "rough times," and placed in a teenage hospital for the, how do you say-, "crazies" so no padded cell BUT- She was caught between the same four walls for seven months. Thanks for trying anyway, and I'm glad to know that you're there still thinking about helping me, because I certainly need it.
Is it a new school where she needs to make new friends, or would it be her old friends and an old school?
Sorry, I should have explained more clearly. Its an old school - well no, when she was sent to the "loony bin" it was during summer, and being the right age to attend college, she goes straight to that -but- the friends that are there (four) are her closest high-school friends, and one is her old sweetheart that ditched her in her recovery process. It's a very confused beginning, her insanity and so forth is explained from the preface, that's why I'm finding it so hard to start off the first chapter. I've tried erasing the pre-face but found my idea sagged without it. So either way, I'm pretty screwed.
Use this and write the rest of the chapter. Come back later and fill in the bracketed part. Its how I write and its not let me down yet. The idea is to skip over the parts that you don't know and write the bits that you do.
Okay, so maybe she feels a little awkward being back with her old friends when she really hasn't had much to do with them for the past seven months: As I was walking into the building where I was meeting my friends, friends I haven't hung out with in seven months, I was overwhelmed. Or maybe she feels resentment towards her old sweetheart: I didn't understand why there was the need to see (insert name) again; he left me stranded while I was trying to recover. Or I will keep thinking. Ha Ha. But just write how she feels, and it should come to you.
Thanks both of you, I've started it off and the words are beginning to flow. I just hope it sounds right Thanks guys for your help!!! I'll mention all of you, and give you a forum cookie.. *Gives forum cookie* By the way, I did post the intro on this post but decided I'd rather do it in the novel section. So if want, you could check it out and then stab the hell out of me for my grammar haha. Thanks again K, x
Haha. Anyways, please let me know when you post that, because I want to read more. And no problem, that's what we are here for, to help! =] So, keep writing!!!!