My book has moved from paper to pc and pc to pdf and is now complete! I have no idea what to do with it now. So many suggestion, nothing in stone to lead me to the light. If anyone can get me going to the next step I sure would appreciate it sincerely.
If your manuscript is ready, then the next step would be to look for a publisher. Check their guidelines and follow them to the letter. Also check the Publishers section of the forum. It has information about query letters, publishers, agents, etc. Also, what genre is your book?
write query letter(s). ask people to read them. get impressions. do research on agent. send queries. try looking around the publishers threads...might be of some use good luck
Have you rewritten it? Many times? Is it completely what you want it to be? Or is it just finished? If its as close to perfect as you are humanly capable of making it, write an equally perfect query letter, find your top 5 ideal agents and send it to them. If they reject it, rewrite it. Or send it to the next best 5. But if the top 5 don't want it, its probably not the best it can be and you should consider making changes.
blasingame, It really depends on what your goal or objective for the book is. *Do you want it published--print, ebook, audiobook, or any combination of the three. *Do you want to seek a 'traditional' publisher to publish your book, earning an advance and possibly royalties? *Do you want to just put it out there on the internet in PDF form, or ebook form, or attempt self-publishing in print/ebook form? *Do you have something else in mind for the book? It is difficult for individuals to provide other than the most general input without knowing. In any case, researching markets, making sure that the book is the best you can make it, and other suggestions above are sound. Good luck whatever direction you take. Terry
All I can say is congrats! I look forward to the day I can feel that satisfaction. I think Everybody has you covered already
if your book has no violent content, i'll be glad to show you through the submission process... drop me a line, if i can be of any help... love and hugs, maia