1. Mumble Bee

    Mumble Bee Keep writing. Contributor

    May 18, 2015
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    I'm still newish, right?

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Mumble Bee, Aug 30, 2015.

    Alright, I've been here for a little while now but I never really introduced myself or my intentions.

    I like writing, possibly even like like. Generally my strategy is to find some thread of thought I get excited about and stay at it until my fingers stop making words show up on the monitor. Starting comes very easy to me but I have a very hard time completing stories, once I get the fun parts out of the way I usually lose motivation.

    Me and grammar started fighting in the 3rd grade and mutually refuse to make up, I either fail to take things seriously or take a random thing seriously when no one else does, and I hate long walks on the beach. Sand gets everywhere and I fail to see any good side to that.

    I would really like to start putting key to board and pump out as many short stories as I can to improve my technique, sadly the three or so stories I've put out so far haven't had any real feedback :(

    I also like to play piano. No idea what keys are what or how these whole 'chords' come into play (piano chords are what assassins use to kill people, right?) but I like to jam out on my headphones to music that makes sense to me.

    I'm always down to play a word game, thought experiment, or even give any advice yall are foolish enough to listen to, just send me a line.

    Well, I've rambled on here for much longer than I meant to, if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  2. Tenderiser

    Tenderiser Not a man or BayView

    Aug 12, 2015
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    London, UK
    You've been here longer than me but welcome anyway. :D

    I can only see one entry from you in the workshop, where are the other two? I'll bookmark them to give some feedback if you like.
  3. Mumble Bee

    Mumble Bee Keep writing. Contributor

    May 18, 2015
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    Eh, maybe saying three wasn't fair yet. The first one was for the 2 week writing contest "Stones"


    the second one is in this current contest. Past that though, i'd like to be writing about 4 times as much as I am, I just don't feel like I'm improving; I really need a Mr. Miyagi but my life is full of Tom Sawyers.

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