Hello! I'm Ian. I'm 22 from Great Yarmouth, UK. I've written novels and scripts but have had no luck (I'm terrible) I'm in the process of writing my first comic book. http://ianpilgrim.com
Welcome to the forums. I'm sure that on this earth there has been a few thousands aspiring writers that rank beneath you at the moment...That number can only increase...
Rubbish. I'm sure you're better than most of the chumps out there. Actually, I'm not. I hate you. Get your spirits up. Dumbass, without confidence you'll wind up dead in an alley with a heroin addiction. I'm sorry. NO I'M NOT! It's good for you.
Wow...isn't this pleasant? Welcome to the forums, Analog Worms. Please stick around. Perhaps if you think that your writing is terrible, then learn from the other good writers here. They could possibly assist you in getting better.
OMG how can anyone not LOVE Shakespeare??????? He is not the best, he is the greatest.... Anyways welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your time here. Don't worry you will recieve loads of help if you ask for it. No one is ever bad at writing as there really isn't any wrong way of writing when you think about it. that's just my opinion anyways. Ari
Bienvenidos and well met! Don't worry - if you write stories with grammar as decent as that which you used to write your introduction, then you're better off than some. Just keep writing; you'll improve all the while, and presently your work will be published. Good luck, Analog Worms.
Worst I very much doubt, have you read Val McDermid? Leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Welcome to you nevertheless.
welcome to wf. Hope you stick around. if you need any help please send myself or any of the Moderator team a pm we would be only too happy to help. ~Raven.