Hello everyone I am currently working on my forth novel, Murder Mystery featuring my favorite Undead creature- Vampires (yeah I know another vampire novel but this one is awesome..no glittering vampires here). This is the basic idea that I have concieved but I am having a bit of trouble with one particular part and I am hoping for an answer. Vampire A hears of a cure for vampirism and sets out on a search for it, only he has no idea who or what he is looking for. He has no idea what the cure is or whom he can get it off of he only has a very vague clue which he decrypts from an ancient vampire parchment. However in his search he locks horns (metophorically speaking) with Vampire B who is trying to stop Vampire A in finding this mystery cure. Vampire A has enough of Vampire B and ultimatley Vampire A kills Vampire B but Vampire A makes a discovery that Vampire B was the only lead he had to finding the cure. This is my problem 1. I have no idea on how to connect Vampire A to Vampire B..How does Vampire B know that Vampire A is searching for the cure 2. How does Vampire A find out that Vampire B has the answer to the location of the cure It's driving me insane because each answer I come up with leads me no where it's like going round a round-about over and over again and never getting anywhere...Any ideas?
Hmmm, interesting. I'd like to read this story, but first I should tell you that it's your story and it's up to you what you do with it. Sir down and look for clues, search online for similar stories or read more... blah blah blah. Now that's out of the way, you may consider few options: - B could have heard A talking/asking around about the cure and thought of hindering him. - B could have heard A talking/asking about the cure and tried to get close to him to know what he's planning and then started interfering with him. - B could have found out A is a vampire, befriended him-say saved him from something. A now trusts B and thus will start opening about the purpose of his journey, this leads B to discover A's plan and thus interfere with it. - A could find a letter in B's pocket after he killed him, the letter could be from the person who created the cure. He might be B's father, curing his son. - A could find out about it because B tells him so right before his last breath, mocking him with irony. Suggestions you can draw upon and see what unique story you can come up with.
I dreamed the answer Thanks heaps for your idea's Phoenix. I was going to check the forum last night to see if I had any replies but instead I fell straight asleep and amazingly I dreamed u the answers and I am on a roll thankyou for replying to me though
What is the reason for Vampire B to what to kill Vampire A? Does Vampire B know about the ancient vampire parchment?? Maybe it was stolen. Maybe Vampire B is looking for the cure as well or knows where the cure is? It could be out of greed that Vampire B wants to cure for himself and to either sell on the black market or destroy it. It could be that Vampire A was talking to a character that Vampire B is connected to. It doesn't make any sense to have vampire B overhearing a conversation that vampire A had. Vampire B had to know about Vampire A in the beginning in order for the characters to work. Maybe Vampire B is working for somebody who has the cure and who is trying to protect it.