Hi Everyone, Can I just say what a great forum this is, I can see myself spending many hours reading through some of the excellent tips/discussions on various threads. I am currently making an attempt at writing my first ever novel, as scary as it is I am actually doing it. I'm not a complete newbie to writing, I have had a couple of articles published in the past 18 months. One was a blog type article sharing my life experiences on a certain subject, and the other was a "guide" as such. Anyway onto the subject of this thread, Imagination and Daydreaming. I have such a strange imagination, and I have daydreamed all through my life. I could easily waste 2 hours of an afternoon just sitting down with no TV/Computer/Book and just daydream. Lately my daydreaming has mostly been about the current story I am working on, but previously it could be about anything. One particular scenario is when I had finished reading the dark tower books, for about three day's I was Roland whenever my mind drifted into the little world I like to take it to. Now my questions, is anyone else on these forums know what I am talking about and do the same? Thanks Leigh
I know what you're talkin' about! I'm working on a novel now, but it was not meant to become a novel. It started as a night dream, but I started to develop it in my mind and the story got more complex day after day. Until I couldn't think about anything else. Putting it onto MsWord was the only way to try getting rid of it (but I still haven't so far). I was a daydreamer since I was little. I just need an input, a painting for example, and I start fantasizing about what else could happen in the picture. I remember when I was 8, I was with my aunt having dinner in a hotel restaurant. Just in front of us, there was this giant wall painting. I can't remember what was in the painting, but I remember that I started thinking about a story that took place in the picture, and I didn't say a word to my auntie for the time we sat there. I kept on fantasizing when I was in bed, and went back to my story the morning after at breakfast. Then we were checking out and I remember I felt so desperate that I would never see that painting again...
I have been a day dreamer, my entire life. But back when I was little it was called lazy, or inattention. got into a lot of trouble for it. Imagination I have lots of. When I was being bullied by my father, siblings or other kids, I would have my dragon fly to someplace they weren't so they couldn't hurt me. I don't need an object to day dream myself into. Just sort of focus out of the real world and enter whichever world seems like fun. That is why I think I write children's stories more than adult ones. Kids still have their imagination and can appreciate mine.
Same for me. Adults didn't understand my need to invent stories, and they called me 'liar', making me believe I was really I liar, and only now I see how false it was.
A vivid imagination is the writer's gold mine! An imagination that demands an outlet is what drives otherwise well-adjusted people to scurry to the sinister dark alleys to become writers lurking and purveying their hallucinations.
Yeah, I'm the same. I always have a little ongoing saga in my head--nothing I'll write down, just halfhearted fanfiction in the way you described, Geez. I often use my daydreams for plot creation, too. I'll start thinking about my chosen project for a while until I slide into the daydreams, and then just look at the pretty pictures till something sparks a good idea.
Same here. It probably is common amongst writers. If not where would ideas come from except from the imagination?