I don't know what it's really called but I call it literary impressionism. It's when an author doesn't really describe the scene, character, context, ect. Instead they write a series of impressions like: Cold, it's so cold. Moving in darkness. It's so cramped. Another presence is also movement in the darkness. Her scent is full of rage. I will kill her. It's usually used to show animals, aliens, and somebody waking up out of unconciousness. I really don't like it. It is the literary equivelent of doing an entire scene in amovie with an extreme closeup shot and carrying the camera on the shoulder. It always leaves me confused and disorientated. How do you feel about it? Edit: I don't mind it at all if the author makes it clear who is the character recieving the impressions, if they tell you it is the main character rising out of uncounciesness ect.
I think its called "stream of consciousness" and we had to read entire books done in that style in my English classes...I hate it too.
I actually like it. It's quite confusing, but in a unique way. Not all writers handle it well, but if one does I think it's a very fun way to go about it.
I do not think I have read anything like that actually. Either that or I haven't picked up on it before. I would have to read more to see if I like it or not, but I am pretty open to writing style, as long as the story behind it is good.