I've found this amazing site by chance. It's so simple in design and may actually benefit many of the users here, particularly by extending their vocabulary. It's entirely free and just by getting a word correct you donate 20 grains of rice to support world hunger. Please give it a try! http://www.freerice.com/index.php
only a rare few of those sites make any tangible difference in the world... except to make ever-longer emailing lists available to buyers who want access to your inbox... this one seems to be legit, but be wary of others like it...
This was posted on another forum I'm on, it's a lot of fun. I got up to about 6000 grains of rice...I have no life
Don't be so cynical. This site is actually a legitiment attempt at helping the world hunger crisis. It is even recognised by larger organisations. Furthermore, there is no need to sign up or input an e-mail address. I'm sure the person behind the site is making money themselves from the project, but from the facts I've been reading donations are also being made. Next time read up on something a little more before you make rash, stereotypical opinions.
i have... and found that most of such things are scams... i stand corrected on this one, as it seems it's one of the extremely rare exceptions... and i should have said 'hardly any' instead of 'none'... i'm changing the post, accordingly... thanks for bringing my premature judgment to my attention...
I don't visit most of those sites either, because they ARE usually scams. I can't blame you for not investigating evey last one - I wouldn't typically bother, either.