In need of alternatives

Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by Subject24, May 11, 2018.

  1. Shenanigator

    Shenanigator Has the Vocabulary of a Well-Educated Sailor. Contributor

    Sep 17, 2017
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    Well, it doesn't have to. It's your story and can be whatever you want it to be. I was thinking of something akin to (red) infrared lamps, but with more interesting possibilities. The visuals of the colors hitting the spots they're most needed is interesting. Similar to the concept of chakras or something.

    So glad it's a comedy! Now I can tell you the word monkeyans made me laugh out loud when I read it. That's really hilarious!
  2. Some Guy

    Some Guy Manguage Langler Supporter Contributor

    May 2, 2018
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    The kingdom of scrambled portmanteaus
    'Taning bed' was a casual term from my mood of the time. It would be more of a bathtub isolation chamber (Altered States). The colors stimulate responses, like music does, but color harmonics are more complex, while seeming simple. Think of them as 'light-songs' to induce suggestion, remove inhibition (truth serum effect), induce euphoria, inhibit memories.
    Maybe the Monkians are special because their ethic prevents reveal or exposure of secrets, or memory tampering, or post hypnotic compulsion... They don't tell, but they have continuous laughs, in the breakroom, over the stupid things we humans get fcukled up over!
  3. Subject24

    Subject24 Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    I think I got at least 5 good examples of futuristic therapies. That should be enough to be able to mix in with the old one's and create a generally advanced program.

    Thank you guys for the answers
    They helped alot :)
  4. Thaddaeus English

    Thaddaeus English Member

    Apr 29, 2018
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    meditation-reincarnation. something sci-fi sounding, could have a group session with VR headsets where the captain, lives through various situations and outcomes.
    if it ends in suicide he reincarnates, if he just lives a long life depressed he still reincarnates until he finds the root cause of his problem or a solution in the various VR lives he will live.
    Some Guy likes this.
  5. WaffleWhale

    WaffleWhale Active Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    If your story is a comedy, you can do whatever you want. I haven't seen the show so I don't know the style of comedy, but you could either

    A) add sci-fi words to the end of regular treatments to poke fun at yourself and sci-fi as a genre (laser acupuncture, quantum meditation)
    B) Have the captain point out that all of these treatments are available everywhere and since forever, so he has another thing to complain about
    Some Guy likes this.
  6. Seven Crowns

    Seven Crowns Moderator Staff Supporter Contributor Contest Winner 2022

    Apr 18, 2017
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    I'd feel cheated if in a sci-fi comedy, the cure wasn't ridiculous.

    They use sonic cannons to vibrate your bones so your skeleton sings.
    They transfer your consciousness into a lapdog.
    They inject you with a full harem of vapor sylphs who proceed to eclipse your super-ego with your libido.
    They replace your endorphins with pure caffeine.

    I'd just go crazy with it and not worry about the reasoning. I'd aim for something that can cause funny conflict in the next scene.
    Subject24 and Some Guy like this.
  7. Subject24

    Subject24 Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    Wow, I didn't even consider he might complain about that. Because he completely is the type of person that would.. That's a great idea.. Almost makes me want to keep the old, and add that as theme.
    And laser acupuncture sounds like the real deal hehe, seriously cool..
    Idk about quantum meditation though, but it sounds interesting

    What exactly would that involve? Would it be a super meditation of sorts? A secret unlocked ability, like the yogis in the himelean mountains?
    Or maybe some sort of advanced technology?..
    I could definitely see some super Monkeyans being a thing.. Maybe not all the Monkeyans, but a few certain instructors

    Im trying to keep a healthy balance of humor and plot purpose in the fanfic... A few ridiculous scenes here and there is great, but i don't want it to be the focus of the driving parts of the story

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